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An Eye Movement Study on Emotion Recognition of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Static Situation




One core characteristic of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (i.e., ASD) is difficulties in social interaction, which affect their understanding of others' emotions and lead to dysfunction in social life. The present study used an eye-tracking technique to examine performance of emotional recognition and AOI gaze pattern of the emotional stimuli under the static condition among 21 children with ASD and 21 without, ranging from four to seven years of age. The dependent variables included the number of correct responses in labeling the emotions- happy, sad, anger, fear, and surprise in the static condition and their AOI gaze duration. The results revealed that when presenting the static pictures of happy, sad, angry, and fear, the mean scores of correct responses among children with ASD were significantly lower than that of their typically developing counterparts. However, no difference was found between the two groups for the emotion of surprise. Likewise, a significant difference was uncovered between the two groups in AOI gaze duration for all emotions except for the surprise emotion. The present study offers recommendations for teaching children with ASD about emotions and a new direction for future research.


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