  • 期刊


Empirical Investigation on the Customer's Repurchase Intention in Mobile-Commerce


行動商務提供消費者隨時、隨地消費的便利性,但其獲利是否因此而增加是值得討論的,然而,留住舊顧客持續回店消費,依然是影響線下和線上(off-line and on-line)商店獲利的關鍵因素。蝦皮拍賣網站在行動商務環境下提供買賣雙方一對一即時溝通的「聊聊」功能、物流追蹤以及物流業者主動到賣家府上取貨的功能,這些特殊的服務功能對於留住舊顧客是否有重要的影響,在過去文獻中未曾有針對性的對於再購意願影響的國內消費者的分析。本研究依據文獻分析結果建立研究架構,探究溝通品質與網站信任兩變數對於顧客滿意度的影響以及顧客滿意度對再購意願的影響,並探討知覺風險於顧客滿意度對再購意願影響的干擾效果。透過問卷調查收集相關資料,並以具有二次以上蝦皮拍賣網站購買經驗的大學生消費者為研究對象,再以結構方程模型與多群組結構方程模型分析方法進行研究架構之驗證與分析。實證結果發現溝通品質對網站信任有顯著的正向影響,對於顧客滿意度需透過網站信任的完全中介以產生顯著的間接影響;顧客滿意度對再購意願有正向的顯著影響,且其為網站信任與再購意願的部份中介變數;顧客知覺風險的高低,於顧客滿意度對再購意願的影響則沒有顯著的降低影響強度的干擾效果。研究結果的意義顯示,網拍業者不僅要著力於建立良好的溝通品質以取得顧客對拍賣網站的信任,還須確保能滿足顧客的期望,才有可能正面影響其再購買意願。


Consumers can shop everywhere and anywhere under Mobile-Commerce environment, but whether such convenience can proffer the benefit of online stores is worthy of exploration. Retaining old customers and keep them repurchase consistently is well known as a key factor in the profitability of any off-line and on-line stores. Sharpee Auction Platform provides several distinct service functions under Mobile-Commerce environments such as direct communication between buyer and seller, cargo tracing, and pick-up merchant at seller's side. However, whether these services directly contribute to the maintaining of repurchase intention of old customers in Taiwan is unknown. This study aims to investigate the effect of communication quality and web-trust on customer's satisfaction as well as the effect of customer's satisfaction on repurchase intention. In the meantime, the moderating effect of customers' perceived risk on the relationship between customer satisfaction and repurchase intention is also investigated. Questionnaire survey is used to collect sample data from college students who have experienced Sharpee customers and have at least two purchase records. The research framework is validated by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Multi-group SEM analysis methods. Research results indicate communication quality has a positive effect on both web-trust and customer satisfaction, but only with a significant effect on web-trust. The significant effect of communication quality on customer satisfaction is indirectly through web-trust which reveals a full mediation effect. Customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on repurchase intention and partially mediates the relation between web-trust and repurchase intention. Customers' perceived risk does not have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Theoretical implications for future research and managerial implications for the practice are considered.


邱皓政(2010)。量化研究與統計分析:SPSS(PASW)資料分析範例解析(5 版)。台北市:五南。
