  • 期刊


To Evaluate the Practicability of the Performance of the Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act in Taiwan


本文目的探討新興濫用物質發展之現況,並針對美國管制物質類似物執行條例 (Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act)之制定精神、原則及效益進行評估研究,以作為台灣未來研擬管控新興濫用物質法規政策之參考。本文設計採用文獻回顧方式,針對國內外相關資料加以分析、比較及整理。研究結果發現新興濫用物質及管制物質類似物合成之目的,主要是規避現行管制物質法規,避免受到現行罰則規範,且已從單一濫用物質轉以混合多種未列管之管制物質類似物及新興濫用物質。面對新興濫用物質迅速擴散,美國政府訂有管制物質類似物執行條例,不須經過傳統繁複的列管程序,即可有效管控新興的管制物質類似物;對於非管制物質類似物之“新興濫用物質”則有緊急列管之措施,於其未正式列為管制物質前加以管控。本研究建議未來(1)毒品及管制藥品之分級品項應合併為一;(2)比照美國管制物質類似物執行條例訂定毒品類似物質防制條例,賦予政府管控毒品類似物之權力;(3)研擬毒品類似物質防制條例如需較長時間討論,建議於現行毒品危害防制條例中,新增無正當理由持有毒品類似物之刑罰,並增加沒入銷燬查獲之毒品類似物的規定,以防止其濫用。


The aim of this project was to survey the status quo of emerging drugs, and to assess the essences, principles and effectiveness of the U. S. Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act, and that would be as a reference to drawing up a law that could be enforced to control the state of new drugs abused in Taiwan. This project used the method of literature review. The policies and strategies about controlling the emerging drugs of the foreign regions were collected, evaluated, and compared with that in Taiwan.In order to escape current regulations, the emerging drugs are always developed and produced as controlled substance analogues, moreover, the multiple unscheduled drugs mixtures become the popular substitutes for the single controlled drugs. To face the state of the public use controlled substance analogues, the United States enforces the Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act. A controlled substance analogue can be prohibited in manufacture, importation, possession, use and distribution without passing traditional complicated scheduling procedures. It is an emergency Act which can regulate a controlled substance analogue just like as a scheduled substance.By collecting the literatures of the policies and strategies, there are some suggestions including:1. The controlled drug schedules of the Controlled Drugs Act could be combined with those of the Against Narcotics Act.2. Just as the Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act, it can be a good mode to legislate a drug analogue Act, and the Act executive can be vested in the official.3. It always spends so much time to schedule a drug analogue in the controlled drug schedules that it is a feasible scheme to make a law about that someone who holds a drug analogue without permission would be punished, and his analogue can be confiscated.


台灣疼痛醫學會 2006 《管制藥品論壇摘錄》。http://www.pain.org.tw/doc/管制藥品論壇.doc。 2011/05/05 瀏覽。
行政院衛生署食品藥物管理局 2010 《管制藥品管理條例相關法規暨解釋彙編》。
厚生勞動省 2012 《薬物乱用防止に関する情報》。 http://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iyakuhin/yakubuturanyou/index.html。2013/03/07 瀏覽。
