  • 期刊


Research on One Stop Service for Victims of Sexual Assault-Taipei City, Taiwan




For a new policy that is catered to the needs of the citizen, it not only has to address that special need, the cost and the efficiency of its execution is under strictest scrutiny. Therefore the idea the One Stop Service for Victims of Sexual Assault was born. With the whole service system designed according to the victim's needs, the ”one stop service” employs cross-network synergic handling and specific management of core concepts by combining the police system, the social system, and the medical system, and prosecutors into a collected service taskforce, to completely overhaul the original practices that inconvenienced the victims traveling between hospitals, police stations, district prosecutor's offices, and avoid putting the victims through the mill of repetitious recounts of the process of assaults. Through this new design, the victim is able to be interviewed, in the same venue, in person by prosecutors, or by police or social workers with the guidance of prosecutors through faxes. These interviews are also recorded, and could later be provided to prosecutors and judges, which can thus save victims from being summoned too many times for the same interviewing processes. And the design also ensures that during the interviewing processes victims are not left alone facing their interviewers and are also treated professionally. One Stop Service also endeavors to hasten the processes so that cases can be taken to judicial processes including investigation, interrogation as soon as possible. This study conducts the SWOT analysis to identify advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats of the One Stop Service for Victims of Sexual Assault, in addition to in-depth interviews carried out on professionals including social worker, police officer, prosecutor, and medical personnel according to the uniqueness of cross-network organizations. Afterwards, the study also provide advices from the perspectives of judicial practices, service operations, and interdisciplinary coordination for the government as references.


