  • 會議論文


Dynamic Response Analysis of Direct Fixation Fastener and Continuous Welded Rail System under Wheel Moving Loads


在鐵路軌道工業中,列車行駛過程中移動負荷之力學反應常隨著軌道扣件設計不同而變化複雜。因此如何以有效之分析模式輔助軌道工程人員,實為台灣未來軌道工業向上發展之重要項目之一。由於本文所分析之軌道力學負荷型態為沿鋼軌之輪重移動負荷(Wheel Moving Load)模式,在不同列車行駛狀況下之鋼軌-結構間之力學反應相當複雜,而其傳遞至基鈑扣件之負荷型態為周期重複性負荷模式,因此會有相當明顯之結構疲勞現象。在本篇文章中,以結構力學分析之觀點。運用有限元素法(FEM),針對地下段無道碴基鈑扣件設計軌道進行相關力學分析工作,期能求得不同基鈑扣件勁度參數與鋼軌型號設計狀況之各種可能受力情形,並比較斷軌之動力放大因子效應,提出一套完整可行之工程分析解題模式,以為日後高鐵或捷運軌道車輛工業實際之參考。


In present paper, a continuous welded rail(CWR) system with direct fixation fastener(DFF) under moving wheel loads has been thoroughly investigated using the finite element method(FEM). The finite element analysis was executed using a commercial FEA software package, MSC/NASTRAN, and the finite element modeling & pre-post processing was earned out using a popular CAE tool, I-DEAS. The stiffness effect of baseplate and the different type of rail system(NP46, UIC 54 & UIC 60) have been thoroughly discussed. Meanwhile the structural response analysis under wheel moving loads highlighted several areas of interest. Suggestions resulting from this work have been forwarded to engineers successfully, for incorporation of modification, and to other proper areas for design evaluation.


DFF CWR FEM baseplate moving loads dynamic magnify fad
