  • 會議論文


Monitoring Measurements of Noise and Vibration of Ground Transportation System


本計畫係挑選陸上運輸系統沿線的噪音、振動敏感點及陳情點,進行監測。總計監測點數有:(1)高速鐵路沿線之噪音敏感點及陳情點各10 處;振動敏感點及陳情點合計18 處;(2)其餘陸上運輸系統,包括高速公路、快速公路、大眾捷運及一般鐵路等沿線噪音敏感點或陳情點合計40 處;振動敏感點或陳情點15 處。由噪音監測資料分析陸上運輸系統噪音之平均最大音量LAmax(mean)小時及/或均能音量LAeq(1h)等。其結論:(1)高速鐵路沿線10 個噪音敏感點之24 小時監測結果,顯示均符合陸上運輸系統高速鐵路交通噪音之管制標準草案值。10 處陳情點均符合管制標準草案值。(2)新近通車營運之台北捷運文湖線,於23 處噪音陳情點中,有部分於建築物頂樓之測點不符管制標準草案值。(3)高雄捷運之噪音陳情點10 處中,監測結果符合管制標準草案值及環境音量標準。(4)高速公路及快速道路沿線有7 處噪音陳情點,經監測結果有2 處不符管制標準草案值,其原因均在早晚及夜間小時均能音量超出管制標準1~2dB 而已,要進行改善應不困難。由振動量測資料, 依ISO 2631-1(1997) 、ISO 2631-2(2003)、ISO Unweight、JIS C1510 及JISShinkanse 五種規範算出地表之加速度位準,並統計分析其監測結果,擬訂陸上運輸系統在噪音、振動管制之措施、對策及標準。同時研訂出未符合陸上運輸系統交通噪音管制標準之改善計畫書、補助計畫書範本及計畫書審查規範草案,供推廣參考。


In this project, the monitoring measurement data of noiseand ground-borne vibrations have been carried out at anumber of selected locations alongside the groundtransportation systems (GTS). Totally, the numbers ofmonitoring sites are:(1) each 10 sites for both noise-sensitive sites andnoise-complaint sites respectively alongside theTaiwan High Speed Rail Transportation (HSRT);and 18 ground-borne vibration-sensitive and/orground-borne vibration-compliant sites.(2) 40 noise-sensitive and/or noise-compliant, and 15ground-borne vibration- sensitive and/orground-borne vibration-compliant sites alongsidethe remaining GTS, such as the freeway, highway,mass transportation system and the general railway.From the monitoring measurement data, the noise levelsof LAmax(mean), and /or LAeq(1h) it can be seen that:(1) In the 24 hours monitoring results at each 10 sitesfor both none-sensitive sites and noise-pompliantsites respectively, all the noise levels all incompliance with the new-drafting noise controlstandards of the GTS.(2) In the 24 hours monitoring results at 23 sites fornoise-compliant sites alongside the Wenhu line ifthe Taipei MRT system, there are some sites con notin compliance with the new drafting noise controlstandards of the GTS, while the existing regulationis applied, only 1 site can not in compliance withthe old environmental noise standards.(3) In the monitoring results of the 10 sitesnoise-compliant sites alongside the KaohsiungMRT system, all the noise levels are in compliancewith both the new drafting noise control standardsand the existing old regulation.(4) In the monitoring results of the 7 sitesnoise-compliant sites alongside The freeway andhighway, there are 2 sites can not in compliancewith the new drafting noise control standards. Thereason in that the LAeq(1h) in morning and evening ornight has an 1~2 dB in exceedance. It is not sodifficult to undertake improvement.The vibration levels based on the standards of ISO2631-1(1997), ISO 2631-2(2003), ISO Unweight, JISC1510 and JIS Shinkanse respectively are analyzed andattained. From this database, the protocol of thecountermeasures and specifications of noise and vibration(NV) abatement are made. Also, the type model of the“improvement plan” and “subsidy plan” for the GTS incompliance with the control standards of the GTS aredrawn up for popularization and application.


