  • 會議論文


Application of Acoustic Emission Technology Inspect Strength of Crane Boom


起重機為各行業廣泛使用,但因操作人為的疏失、管理不當及機具保養缺失等因素,造成相關重大工安災害。本研究主要因起重機吊桿曾發生斷裂案例,進行在役缺陷檢測技術開發研究,以避免類似案例再次發生。為改善目前傳統起重機吊桿單點強度測試及表面、銲道缺失目視等檢查方法,及引進非破壞動態檢測技術,建立動態連續且全面性檢測方法,以確保檢查實質安全。研究參考ASTM E569-2002結構受負載聲發射檢測等技術標準,應用聲發射聲波技術,檢測起重機吊桿強度之可行性技術評估;案例應用檢測已有20年以上之二手中古起重機,基本節No.2探頭擷取聲發射特徵訊號,包括振鈴計數、幅度、能量計數、上升時間、持續時間皆明顯表現出來,其中擷取聲發射頻率以短時距快速傅立葉轉換頻譜具有能量釋放情形;整個檢測程序進行約45分鐘左右。


起重機 聲發射 非破壞檢測


Crane is widely used in various industries, but the operation of human negligence , mismanagement and lack of maintenance resulting in a danger of workplace. In this study, according to the crane boom cases conduct research and development in-service defect detection technology to prevent similar cases from happening again. For improved the current traditional single-point test of strength and visual inspection in surface, weld on the crane boom. The study introduce advanced non-destructive dynamic detection technology to create dynamic continuous and comprehensive detection methods for ensure safe crane boom. It refer ASTM E569-2002 about the acoustic emission technology for load structure testing, the application of acoustic emission or vibration mode technology assess feasibility of the inspection method. The case applied testing crane has more than 20 years, it result section No.2 probes capture the basic acoustic emission signals including hit count, amplitude, energy count, rise time and duration. It is evident fracture energy released from the crane boom by Short-Time FFT of acoustic emission signals. The entire inspection procedures expend about 45 minutes or more.
