  • 期刊


The Study on Curriculum of Home Economics in Queensland, Australia


本研究旨在瞭解澳洲中小學的家政教育課程內涵與實施之現況,以提供我國實施國民教育九年一貫課程中,將「家政教育」議題融入綜合活動及其他相關學習領域的教學之參考。本研究採文件分析與實地訪談蒐集資料。作者於民國九十一年八月至九月期間,實地訪問澳洲昆士蘭州教育研究當局 (Queensland Studies Authority, QSA),負責規畫家政學科課程的課程專家、家政教育學者及多位家政教師。本文所分析的文件聚焦於昆士蘭州的初中家政課程綱要及相關資料。本研究發現:昆士蘭州的家政教育課程之基本理念非常周延,扣緊了家政教育與「關鍵學習領域」及其他學科的關聯,家政教育的課程內涵建構兼顧時代趨勢與家政本質,家政教育的學程呈現多樣化的彈性設計,教學與評量緊密結合以確保教學品質,家政教育早就具有「新四基」的雛型;然而該課程綱要中鉅細兼顧的評量是否切合實際,值得續追蹤探究。


The purpose of this study was to understand the development, conceptual framework, contents, and practices of curriculum of Home Economics in Queensland, Australia through review the related literature and interview. According to the 1996 Australia School K to 12 Curriculum, Home Economics was not one of Learning Areas, but it has been developed in 2001 Queensland School Curriculum. It is very important to know why, what and how the curriculum of Home Economics has been developed in Queensland due to the Nine-year Joint Curriculum for compulsory education in Taiwan was impacted by the 1996 Australia School K to 12 Curriculum. Several conclusions have been drawn as follows: ①The construct of curriculum is very thorough including rationale, outcomes, assessment, and guidelines for courses of study. ②The outcomes of Home economics curriculum are designed to connect the eight nationally agreed key learning areas, ③The contents of Home Economics Curriculum appropriate to the occasion and the nature of Home Economics. ④The very flexible designs of courses of study provide students with many opportunities to learn Home Economics. ⑤Assessment takes account of individual learners and is an integral part of learning and teaching process. ⑥The purpose of Home Economics Curriculum and the New Basics Project are closely related that focuses on preparing Queensland's students for the future. ⑦It is worthy to clarify whether the very detail processes of gathering evidences regarding students' demonstrations of learning outcomes is practical or not.


The New Basics Project
Queensland School Curriculum Council(2001).Statewide workshops on subject area syllabuses.Newsletter of the Queensland School Curriculum Council.21(1)
Queensland School Curriculum Council(2001).(Home Economics Education Subject Area: Syllabus and Guideline).


