

在一些表皮的小手術通常都是使用注射麻醉劑的方式來達到麻醉的效果而注射所引起的疼痛對於病人及手術者來說都是一種不愉快的經臉,在完整的皮膚上一般塗抹的麻醉劑又無法達到完全的麻醉效果,在本篇報告裡我們使用百分之五的EMLA(Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics)於表皮小手術的麻醉並把它抑制疼痛的效果以VAS(visual Analogue Scale)及Face interval Scale來評估及分析,結果顯示,在適當的使用方式及足夠的敷蓋時間之下,EMLA確實可以達到足夠的表皮麻醉效果。




Local anesthetic agents are capable of producing anesthesia when applied topically to mucous membranes and abraded cutanous surface. However, it is difficult to achieve effective topical anesthesia when these agents are applied to infact skin. Since 1982 EMLA has been reported to provide effective cutaneous anesthesia. EMLA is an emulsion in whicn the oil phase is a eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine in a ratio of 1:1 by weight. In this series we selected EMLA 5% as the anesthetics which contains 25 mg lidocaine and 25 mg prilocaine in each gram of EMLA. Intending to diminish the aching sensation from local anesthetics and to prove the efficacy of EMLA 5%, we collected some clinical evaluations with visual analogue scale and face interval scale as our preliminary experience for EMLA 5% application.
