

一例為48歲女性,上腹部絞痛數月,小腸鋇鹽攝影發現,在空腸近端有數個x光透過性之充盈缺損,遂在多發性息肉之診斷下開刀,病理證實為脂肪瘤。 另一例為50歲男性,因一週來的腹部絞痛及血便到門診,作大腸鋇鹽攝影發現有迴陽一結腸腸套叠,二天後,因更厲害的腹痛來急診而入院,入院隔天因大量的血便而昏厥,作大腸鏡放到迴腸末端發現有一蕈狀樣腫瘤,經開刀證實爲迴腸之脂肪瘤。 小腸之脂肪瘤很少,約佔所有良性小腸腫瘤之8-20%,而小腸之良性腫瘤約占屍體剖檢系列之0.11%,0.4%,術前難與惡性腫瘤區分,其症狀中最主要的腹痛又不具特異性,開刀切除爲最好的治療,故在此提出二例報告。




A case of 48-year-old female patient called on our outpatient department with the complaint of abdominal colic pain for several months. Small bowel enema revealed that there were several radiolucent mass shadows in the proximal part of jejunum. Laporotomy was performed under the impression of multiple polyps of jejunum and revealed that there were seven variant size of lipomas in the proximal part of jejunum which were also demonstrated by pathological examination. Another case of 50-year-old male patient called on outpatient department with the complaint of abdominal colic pain and tarry stool for one week. Barium enema showed that there was appearance of coiled-spring picture in the ascending colon, which meaned the existence of ileo-colic intussusception. Two days later, patient was admitted because of aggravation of abdominal colic pain. He had ever fainted out due to large amount of passage of tarry stool on the following day after admission. Colonfibroscopic examination revealed that there was a fungating mass covered with blood clot in the distal part of ileum. Operation was done and lipoma of ileum was proved by pathologic examination. Lipoma of small intestine is a rare entity. It accounts for 8-20% of benign small intestinal tumors, and the incidence of the latter was 0.11%, 0.4%, in the necropsy series. The difficulties lies in the fact that differentiation from malignancy preoperatively is un-easy and the sympton of abdominal pain is not specific. Surgical intervention is the best choice of treatment.


lipoma small intestine
