  • 期刊


Metastatic Melanoma of the Stomach & Duodenal Bulb-Report of a Case


惡性黑色素瘤(Malignant Melanoma)為一罕見的惡性瘤,轉移到胃腸道的比例相當高,但有臨床症狀且在生前發現的則相當罕見。 本列為—78歲男性病人,主訴為上腹部疼痛有20年,於最近轉劇,且有吐血及體重減輕的現象。泛內視鏡檢查發現胃體部,底部和十二指腸球部有多發性潰瘍且有黑色紫沈著,合併出血。經制酸劑治療後症狀改善。但因經濟關係病人自動出院。病理組織切片結果證實為轉移性黑色素瘤,原發部位不詳。病人於出院兩周後因呼吸衰竭死亡。


Malignant melanoma is a rare disease. There was high incidence of metastais to gastrointestinal tract hut rarely detected before death. Here we report a 78 year old male farmer, he visited our hospital with chief complaint of intermittent epigastralgia for 20 years with aggravation in recent one month. There was body weight loss 4 kg in one month and hemoptysis 10 days before admission. Panendoscopy revealed multiple ulcers in the body and fundus of stomach and 2 ulcers in posterior wall of duodenal bulb. They were stained by dark pigmentation grossly. Biopsy was done and proved to be a metastatic melanoma. However patient was soon discharged because of economic problem. The primary site of the melanoma was not known. The patient died of respiratory failure 2 weeks after discharge.


metastatic melanoma stomach duodenal bulb
