  • 期刊


Ultrasonographic Measurement of Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, Portal Vein, Common Hepatic Duct, Splenic Vein and Pancreatic Duct in Normal Chinese Adults


為了瞭解中國人肝、脾、胰及其附屬靜脈及管道構造之大小,以實時間超音波掃描測定了241名正常中國成年人(年齡20到70歲)之肝臟長幅:右葉(於右鎖骨中線處測得)、左葉(於正中線處測得),門靜脈徑及總肝管徑(於肝門處測得),脾臟長幅(於左側肋間測得),脾靜脈徑(於脾門處測得),胰臟頭部、體部及尾部之厚度(於脾靜脈之上方分別測得)及胰管徑(於胰體部測得)。其測定結果之平均值±標準差分別為:肝右葉11.08±1.86cm、左葉7.85±1.61cm,門脈徑1.14±0.16cm,總肝管徑0.42±0.11cm,肝臟長幅8.88±1.15cm,脾靜脈徑0.62±0.13cm,胰臟厚度:頭部1.84±0.55cm,體部1.13±0.29cm、尾部2.05±0.43cm及胰管徑0.17±0.07cm。 影響各項測定結果最重要的因素為體型,超重組與過輕組比較,肝臟長幅較短(右葉及左葉均如此),總肝管較粗,脾臟較長,統計學上均為有意義之差別,P值分別小於0.001,0.01,0.005及0.05。性別之影響僅見於門脈徑及胰體部厚度,都是男大於女,統計學上為有意義之差別,P值均小於0.005。年齡的影響最不明顯,各年齡層間並無統計學上有意義之差別。 扣除分佈於上下各5%之病例後,各項測量結果的最高及最低值,可以做為正常上限及下限之參考值,應該有助於臨床診斷之用。


In order to find out the normal size of liver, spleen, pancreas, and their associated venous and ductular structures in Chinese people, measurements of the liver span (longitudianl length at right midclavicular line for right lobe and at midline for left lobe), portal vein and common hepatic duct diameter (at portal hepatis), spleen span (the longest length at left intercostals space), splenic vein (at splenic hilum), pancreatic thickness of head, body and tail (at the level of splenic vein), and pancreatic duct (at body of pancrease) were done in 241 normal Chinese adults with real-time ultrasonographic scanning. The mean ± standard deviation of measurements were: Right lobe span 11.08±1.86cm, left lobe span 7.85±1.61cm, portal vein diameter 1.14±0.16cm, C.H.D. diameter 0.41±0.11cm, spleen span 8.88±1.15cm, splenic vein diameter 0.62±0.13cm, pancreatic thickness of head 1.84±0.55cm, body 1.13±0.29cm and tail 2.08±0.44cm, and pancreatic duct diameter0.17±0.07cm. The most important factor that influence the results of measurement was body build, as the liver span were shorter (both right and left lobe), the C.H.D. diameter were larger, and the spleen span were longer in over weight cases than under weight ones (P<0.001, 0.1, 0.005 and 0.025 respectively). The influence of sex was found only in diameter of portal vein and thickness of pancreatic body, which were significiantly larger in males, P<0.005. No significiant difference between different age groups could be found. After discount the upper and lower 5% cases, the upper and lower values of each measurements can be defined as the upper and lower limit of normal, and might be useful in clinical evaluation of the abnormal conditions.
