

一位53歲男性農夫,因爲頭痛、發燒、畏寒有12天之久,來本院求診。實驗室檢查發現肝功能異常,腹部超音波掃描看見肝有脂肪浸潤現象,經內視鏡逆行性膽胰管攝影發現膽囊管內有填充性陰影,核子醫學膽囊攝影(Tc-99m DISIDA cholescintigraphy)發現膽囊無法顯影。故病人在疑似急性膽囊炎下接受腹腔鏡膽囊切除術,術中同時作肝切片。術後發現膽囊內無結石、肝臟病理檢查看見類似「甜甜圈」的肉芽腫,疑似Q熱性肝炎,經抽血送血清學檢查證實是Q熱感染。經四環黴素治療後,發燒現象消失,病情穩定後出院。


Q fever, caused by rickettsia organism Coxiella burnetii, has been considered to be primarily a respiratory infection. However, liver abnormalities have been reported in 11-65% of patients. We report a 53-year-old male farmer, who was hospitalized with chief complaints of headaches, chills and fever for 12 days prior to admission Laboratory data showed liver dysfunction. Abdominal sonography showed fatty infiltration of the liver. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) disclosed filling defects in the cystic duct. Tc-99m DISIDA cholescintigraphy revealed poor enhancement of the gall bladder. The patient received laparoscopic cholecystectomy under impression of acute cholecystitis. A liver biopsy was done during the procefure. The liver biopsy showed mutiple ”doughnut-like” granuloma. Q fever hepatitis was suspected, which was later confirmed by serologic examination later. After a 2-week treatment with tetracycline, the fever subsided.
