  • 期刊


The Study of English Education Policy Implementation and Related Problems in Elementary Schools


本研究的主要目的在於了解國民小學實施九年一貫課程後,英語教育政策實施現況,同時,針對英語教育政策執行所造成的問題加以探討,並提出解決之道。 本研究除分析相關文獻外,並採問卷調查法。問卷為研究者自編之「國民小學英語教育政策執行現況調查問卷」,以中部4縣市375位公立小學的英語教師為研究對象。根據統計分析結果,針對以下問題提出結論: 一、學校英語教學情形與英語教師個人實際的英語教學情形 二、英語教師對英語教育政策執行影響因素重要性之看法 三、不同人口學變項的英語教師,對影響英語教育政策執行因素評定上的差異情形 四、不同人口學變項之英語教師,對英語教育政策執行所引起的相關問題的意見差異情形 本研究針對上述結論,對教育行政機關、學校行政單位及後續學術研究,提出若干具體建議,以供參考。


The purposes of the research are mainly to discuss the related influential factors of English teaching policy implementation and to realize the current situation in English education policy implementation and facing problems after Grades 1-9 Curriculum was put into effect in elementary schools. This research adopted questionnaire survey in addition to literature review. The questionnaire is addressed to the influential factors of English education policy implementation and the current implementation situation in elementary schools. The subjects are 375 English teachers from public elementary schools. They include 327 effective questionnaires. The statistical methods are the mean, frequency distribution, percentage, Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient, Kendall coefficient of concordance, and Chi-square test. According to the result of data analysis, the four conclusions are drawn as follows: 1. The opinions of English teachers about importance ranking order influence the implementation of elementary school English education: (1) In the aspect of influential factors of English education policy characteristics: the demand that the public need English education policy in elementary is the most important. (2) In the aspect of the conditions of English education policy: whether the supply of elementary school English teacher is sufficient or not is the most important. (3) In the aspect beside the conditions of English education policy: the ability, willingness and working attitude toward executive are the most important. 2. Difference among English teachers of different demographic variables rank on the related influential factors of English education policy implementation: besides the ranking which English teachers in different counties and cities and in different school areas assess on the influence factors of English education policy characteristic are different, other assessments are the same. 3. The implementation situation of current English education policy in the four counties and cities in central Taiwan. (1) Every county and city extends the grade of implementation to the third and fourth grades, even the first and second grade. The English classes of the first to fourth grade are one period or two periods a week, and the fifth and sixth graders are given two periods a week. (2) The selection of English textbook edition determined by English teachers is prevalent. (3) Over half of the schools have English classrooms. (4)The decoration of English learning environment is the most prevalent among the related English activities. (5) The proportion which foreign English teachers teach English or assist English teaching is not high. (6) There are half English teachers who use both English and Chinese when they teach English. (7) There are about 70% English teachers who emphasize listening and speaking. (8) The teaching resources which English teachers use are vocabulary cards or picture cards. (9) The kinds of assessment which English teachers use are assessment of class performance or homework assessment. (10) Over 90% English teachers think that three difference of English abilities among students is very huge. 4. The problems which the implementation of English education policy brought about are: (1) differences among the grades of English teaching; (2) different English levels of students; (3) lack of English teachers; (4) the opinions which recommend foreign English teachers are not the same. 5. The difference of opinions which English teachers of different demographic variables have on the problems which the implementation of education policy brought about: (1) The opinions of English teachers of different office rank, counties and cites, service seniority, the experience of English teaching in elementary schools have significant difference on the grade of English teaching in elementary school. (2) The opinions of English teachers of different service years have significant difference in the solution to solving the problem of different levels of students. (3)The opinions of English teachers of different office rank, the scale of schools, major, service years have significant different in the solution to solving the problem of lack of English teachers. (4) The opinions of English teachers of different demographic variables have no significant difference on the problem of recommending foreign English teachers. Based upon the conclusions of research, some suggestions are made for reference to the educational administration agencies, elementary school authorities and follow-up research.


王漢源(1995)。A KEY to the world: 談國小開設英語課程之必要與可能。師友。333,11-15。


