  • 期刊

Toward a Successful Computer Animation-Producing and Production Management in CGI Animation


動畫製作乃是一個充滿驚奇、具有無限想像空間的藝術創作。由系列影像所建構而成的動畫,製作過程細節複雜且費時耗力,並非簡單的以更多的人力、效能更強大的電腦軟硬體即可解決。更重要的是動畫製作整個計劃的全盤思考,每一製作環節的仔細規劃與執行。 電腦動畫長片最大的挑戰來自資源與製程的經營管理,這乃是動畫製作成功最重要的基礎,但也是國內電腦動畫製作公司所最常忽略的課題。藉由臺灣首部嘗試師法好萊塢製片成功經驗的電腦動畫-成吉思汗的製作管理經驗,本論文研究提出一套電腦動畫長片製作流程產製管理的架構。


Animation production is a type of creative business which fulfills with unlimited creativity and imagination that presented in sequenced image form. The process of making an animated project is usually very complicated and time consuming. However, it is well-known that it's impossible to simply throw more people and powerful machines at the problem. The production demands more thoughts on how the 3D computer animation is produced, and the process requires well planned and detail attentions at every step. The biggest challenge for producing long format CGI animation comes from the management and control of available resources. It is the fundamental key to the success of animation, yet the most unheeded issue by local production companies. Through the study on Taiwan's first-ever long format CGI animation, Genghis-Khan, which tried to mimic successful Hollywood production experiences, a framework with detailed production pipeline for production management is proposed in this paper.


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