  • 期刊


Discussing the Experience of the Creative Message of the Caricature, "Little Blue and Little Yellow," from Viewpoints of the Mental Activities of Plastic-Language




心性 繪本 造形 文本 認知


Draws the vision element of this work to begin by ”Little Blue and Little Yellow” orders in the style principle, line (invisible), and face of analysis, inquire into this text to originally help realize the type structure of the disposition cognition activity. The programming that the vision element and based layout integrates the sense as its strategy guide the creation layout of printed sheet effect and the metre pleasant impression, and the message settles be expressing of rhythm in. It reveal the life experience and training of designing in the creations, also have the style glossary it to wash the chain to influence gradually the technique, blend to become good the details of the play act sort comes into view. Passing by the mark learns of standpoint to its text what this carry on examines, discovering this kind non- literalness message with the cognition of its special interface and the medium touch mind, reading the text for original meaning righteousness hour since the occurrence postpones the exhibition function, very and inspire the disposition in showing by implying.


mentality illustrated book plastic text Cognition


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