  • 期刊


Research of Chinese Learning Achievements of the First-grade Students with Southeast Asian Mothers: Case of Jhubei


近年來台灣的人口結構與婚姻型態因新移民的跨國婚姻產生變化,而跨國婚姻以中國大陸及東南亞國家為我國外籍配偶的主要來源。台灣的外籍配偶子女人數快速增加,在學校裡卻逐漸形成弱勢族群。外籍配偶子女的學習是否受到跨國婚姻的影響而面臨學習上的障礙應該是個值得深入研究的問題。 本研究探討外籍配偶子女國小一年級的國語文學習成就是否與本國籍配偶子女有明顯的差異,逐一分析外籍配偶的年齡、原生國籍、教育程度、職業、家庭婚生子女總數,以及外籍配偶子女父親的年齡、教育程度、職業等變項。本研究針對新竹縣竹北市內外籍配偶子女比例前三高的民國94學年度國小一年級的560位學童進行全面的問卷調查,調查內容包括國小學童一年級上、下兩學期的國語文月考成績與其家庭基本背景資料。 本研究在使用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行敘述統計和卡方檢定分析後發現,外籍配偶子女的國小一年級國語文學習成就普遍低於本國籍配偶子女。本研究結果摘錄如下:1.學童的性別和受學前教育的時間長短對國語文學習成就有顯著影響,男性學童和受學前教育未滿一年者之國語文學習成就顯著較低;2.低收入戶子女的國語文學習成就顯著低於非低收入戶;3.母親的年齡與教育程度對其子女國語文學習有顯著影響,母親年齡30歲及以下、母親教育程度國小及以下的子女國語文學習成就顯著低於其他分組;4.父親的年齡、教育程度、職業都對子女國語文學習成就有顯著影響。父親年齡在45歲及以下時,父親年齡越高,子女國語文學習成就顯著越好。父親的教育程度越高,子女國語文學習成就顯著越好。父親職業為服務業之子女的國語文學習成就顯著低於其他職業。


The population structure and marriage style in Taiwan have recently been changing a lot due to increasing cross-country marriage. More and more female immigrants from Southeastern Asia, including the Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, and the Philippines, are married to men in Taiwan. It is quite obvious that children born by Southeastern Asian mothers increase relatively faster than those were born by locals. However, children born by Southeastern Asian mothers seem to be disadvantaged when they study at elementary schools, most likely due to the obstacles of Chinese learning. Therefore, it should be worthwhile to explore the possible causes of the phenomenon described above. This study tried to discover whether there is any significant difference of Chinese learning achievements between first-grade students born by Southeastern Asian mothers and those born by local mothers. Chinese learning achievements of the first-grade students were measured by the average grade of each monthly exam of Chinese during the first year at elementary schools. Independent variables including mother's age, country of origin, educational level, job category, number of siblings, as well as father's age, educational level, and job category were analyzed. This study surveyed 560 first-grade students from those elementary schools ranked top 3 based on the ratio of students born by Southeastern Asian mothers in Jhubei of Hsinchu County in 2005. After using SPSS to obtain descriptive statistics and chi-square results, this research found that Chinese learning achievements of the first-grade students born by Southeastern Asian mothers are statistically significantly lower than those born by locals. The major findings of this study are listed as follows: 1. Compared with female students, male students tend to have lower Chinese learning achievements. Those who have less than 1 year of pre-school tend to have lower Chinese learning achievements. 2. Students from low-income families tend to have lower Chinese learning achievements. 3. Those with mother aged 30 and below, as well as educated at elementary school and below, tend to have lower Chinese learning achievements. 4. Among students with father aged 45 and below, the older is the father, the higher Chinese learning achievements. As the father's educational level increases, the student tends to have higher Chinese learning achievements. Students with father working in service industry tend to have lower Chinese learning achievements.




劉蘇丹(2011)。家庭資源對新移民子女學習的影響 -以桃園縣 X 國小為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2011.00242
