  • 期刊


A Qualitative Study of the Social Inclusion among the Disabled Elderly Living in the Community


本研究旨在瞭解社區中居住在家裡的失能老人社會融合的狀況。研究方法主要參考英國ELSA(English Longitudinal Study of Ageing)調查有關社會排除與社會融合的七大指標對老人進行大方向的深度訪談。除了詢問社區失能老人主觀所認知的社會融合之外,同時以半結構式問題訪問老人日常生活中感受到融合的情形。隨後以開放性譯碼的技巧統整並範疇化社會融合的概念,以期更貼近台灣老人生活的真實面貌。研究結果發現社區失能老人的社會融合由小而大出現在六個方面:人際互動與社會關係、日常生活科技用品的使用、社區環境與設施、金融產品、財富管理與消費、生活服務與資訊,以及公共事務與公民活動的參與。本研究勾勒出社區失能老人社會融合的輪廓,並且依據其形成因素,提出可能的方案或預防策略,以增進社區失能老人的社會融合。


社區 失能老人 社會融合 質化


The purpose of this study tries to understand the social inclusion or exclusion among the disabled elderly living in the community. Methods: This study mainly uses concepts and measurements of social exclusion from English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). The self-designed questions are also added to suit for the local culture. This study explores subjective perceptions of social inclusion or exclusion. Content analysis and open coding methods are used to add the richness in the social inclusion or exclusion concept. Findings: There are six aspects appeared in the concept of social inclusion (exclusion): interpersonal interaction and social relations, usage of technological goods for everyday living, moving around in the neighborhood, management of finance, getting the needed services and information, and participate public affairs as a citizen. This study tries to sketch the contours of social inclusion (exclusion) among the disabled elderly living at home. Conclusions: The preventive strategies are provided in order to build a more inclusive life among the disabled elderly living in the community.


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