  • 期刊


Analysis of grade and physical fitness in innovative physical education teaching




Attainment of teaching and education goals in physical education requires innovative teaching; accordingly, instructors must update and modify their teaching strategies to adapt to students' differences, enhance learning motivation, and promote creating thinking. However, data regarding the effect of innovative PE teaching on students' skill acquisition and fitness are lacking. This study employed data analysis to examine the effects of two physical education courses with innovative teaching on students' physical education scores and fitness. One innovative physical education course inhibited female students' progress in the semester and their core strength. Nevertheless, overall, students' core strength improved more in the course with innovative teaching than in the same courses without innovative teaching. The findings also indicate that students in the other courses with and without innovative teaching received similar physical education scores. Regarding fitness, female students in the other innovative course had superior core strength compared with those in the courses without innovative teaching. Innovative teaching in physical education should emphasize gender differences in course design to improve the PE scores and fitness made by female students over a semester. Although the physical education courses with innovative teaching improved students' core strength, they did not improve students' flexibility or cardiorespiratory endurance. Physical education instructors teaching innovatively should carefully arrange fitness courses to equip students with high fitness levels with the skills necessary to face the challenges in their daily lives.


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