  • 期刊


The Relationships between Algal Species and Environmental Factors in Constructed Wetland using Multivariate Analysis


人工濕地具有水資源淨化涵養與基因保存等多樣性功能,其中藻類扮演相當重要角色。本研究以多變量分析方法,探討南部高屏溪舊鐵橋與麟洛人工濕地之優勢藻種變動及其與環境因子之關聯性。研究期間自2011年10月至2012年5月止,分季於人工溼地各池各採一次水樣,進行藻類調查與環境水質參數分析。研究結果顯示,高屏溪舊鐵橋濕地的優勢藻種,分別以Nitzschia palea榖皮菱形藻、Chlorella sp.小球藻、Euglena sp.裸藻、Oscillatoria sp.顫藻最豐富。多變量分析藻類與環境因子之間之相關性,發現穀皮菱形藻與水溫相關性較佳,相關係數為-0.505。裸藻則與日照之間呈現相關性,相關係數為0.557。屏東麟洛濕地中以Cyclotella meneghiniana梅尼小環藻Scenedesmus sp.柵藻、Phacus sp.扁裸藻以及Aphanocapsa elachista細小隱球藻為主要優勢藻種。分析比較後,Cyclotella meneghiniana梅尼小環藻主要與日照相關性較顯著,相關係數為-0.678,其次為水溫,營養鹽方面與NO3^-呈現相關性,相關係數為0.495。


In this study, the seasonal variations in algal species and its relationships associated with environmental factors in the Kaoping river and Linluo constructed wetland were investigated by using multivariate analysis. Four seasonal sampling at various ponds within constructed wetlands from October 2011 to May 2012 were collected and analyzed for algal species and water quality according to EPA's NIEA protocols. Results indicate, in multivariate analysis, that the major dominant algal species in Kaoping river constructed wetland were Nitzschia palea, Chlorella sp., Euglena sp. and Oscillatoria sp. And the water temperature was significantly correlated with Nitzschia palea accompanied a Pearson correlations coefficient of -0.505 at a 99% confidence level (p < 0.01) while a significant correlation with a coefficient of 0.557 between sunlight intensity and Euglena sp. was observed. For Linluo constructed wetland, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Scenedesmus sp., Phacus sp., and Aphanocapsa elachista were the major dominant species. Moreover, the relationship between Cyclotella meneghiniana and sunlight intensity (-0.678, p < 0.01) was more correlated than that of water temperature and nitrate concentration (0.495, p < 0.05).
