  • 期刊

聯合醫院組織架構下工務單位運用OKR(Objectives and Key Results)提升執行力之研究

Study on the use of OKR(Objectives and Key Results) to improve the executive power of the work unit within the organizational structure of the United Hospital


本研究以臺灣北部某直轄市以聯合模式經營的醫院為樣本,目的是探討聯合醫院組織下工務單位以參考民間企業以個人責任理論釐清工作態度、目標與關鍵結果建立自主的責任感,期望改善科層制下所造成的僵化現象,繼而改善單位執行力。參考個人當責理論及谷歌等企業使用的OKR(Objectives and key results),以實作的方式來實踐,並探討實作後手法運用的主要關鍵點。實作結果顯示龐大的聯合組織下,若以個人為中心作為組織改造的出發點,是能有利員工對組織的認同感,並有助於工作目標的達成,提高預算執行力達90%。針對執行過程可發現許多必須注意的關鍵問題,將可能影響實踐的結果及組織文化的建立,可作為其他類似企業或公營事業與後續研究者之參考。


This study takes a hospital operated in a united form in a municipality in northern Taiwan as a sample. The purpose is to study the work units in the United Hospital to refer the work attitudes, goals and key results to private enterprises in order to establish an independent sense of responsibility in the hope of improving the rigidity caused by the bureaucracy and thus improving the executive power of units. This study refers to the independent responsibility theory and the OKR (Objectives and key results) method used by companies such as Google. Carrying out by implementing and exploring the main key points in the application of the method. The result of implementation shows that if take the individual as the starting point of the organizational reform, it will help employees to identify with the organization and help to achieve work goals. Improve budget execution by 90%. During the implementation process, many key issues that require attention can be found, which will affect the results of the implementation and the establishment of the organizational culture. It can be used as a reference for other similar enterprises or public enterprises and follow-up researchers.
