  • 期刊


An Essay on Usage of Music in J.S. Bach's 'Goldberg Variations'-Quodlibet as a Clue


J.S.巴哈與「聖經」,此題目老生常談,可以看到許多論證。然而,大都傾向於對德語與拉丁語歌詞的巴哈聲樂曲的考察。這些論述可以說是巴哈聲樂作品的歌詞與「聖經」詞句間的比較研究。但是,對於巴哈器樂曲與「聖經」間的比較研究,其可能性真是微乎其微嗎?筆者試著在本論文中探討巴哈「郭德堡變奏曲」與「聖經」創世紀間的關聯性。 「郭德堡變奏曲」是巴哈於1741年為治療外交官凱薩琳的失眠而做的曲子,由抒情小曲(aria)與30首變奏曲所組成。筆者認為這抒情小曲(aria)與30首變奏曲不正是與創世紀的語言(第1章第1節至第30節)相對照嗎?巴哈不只以此作品作為治療患者的心理療法,並期望其藝術與技巧在音樂史上達到宇宙論規模般的成就。其各個曲調可以對比「聖經」的各個詞句。我們從比較文學的觀點,可以自「郭德堡變奏曲」中發現不少文學暨語言學的意義。


The theme, J. S. Bach and the Bible, is so popular that we can find lots of studies about it, but they chiefly explore Bach’s choral music which was often written in German or Latin. They mostly consist of comparative studies between texts of his works and the words of the Bible. However, is there no possibility of comparing the Bible to Bach's instrumental music? In this article I attempt to investigate the correlation between J. S. Bach's 'Goldberg Variations' and the Book of Genesis in the Bible. As we know, the 'Goldberg Variations' were composed in 1741 to cure the insomnia of a diplomat, Kaiserling. The work contains an aria and 30 variations. I think that this aria with 30 variations should be compared with the verses (c.1 v.1-30) of Genesis. Bach regarded this work not only as psychotherapy for the patient but also as an artistic and technical achievement with a cosmological scale in the history of music. Each of the tones can be compared with each of the verses of Genesis. We will discover some literary and linguistic meaning of this music as a form of comparative literature.
