  • 期刊


A Study of the Culture of Reclusion in the Sung Dynasty-A Case Study of Reclusion in the Early Sung Dynasty


隱逸之風自古有之,就社會原因而言,每當亂世,隱逸之風則盛,這就是所謂「邦有道則仕」,「邦無道則隱」。就個人而言,每當仕途不順,則易產生隱退思想,這亦是所謂「用之則行,合之則藏」,「達則兼濟天下,窮則獨善其身」的思想,縱觀中國文化史,此為士大夫知識份子在仕途上一條規律。 道家講返樸歸真,全德養神,隱逸乃其所特別標榜的思想性格與生活模式,隱逸在道家思想並不是逃避社會動亂、不滿黑暗政治的行徑,其往往是為追求一種人生自由的人格、無羈的情趣、生命的理念。它本身便是目的,便有其內在的價值。 歷代推尊隱逸文化之重要,一為政治面的需要,自古各王朝雄尊隱士的目的在獎勵氣節與政治教化。其次為文化面反映,孔子之序逸民,司馬遷之述隱君子,班、范而下史書無不論次之。蓋其「隱居以求志,遯世而無悶」,乃備受推崇。 宋初隱士在中國文化史上是崇高的豐碑,宋初隱逸風氣盛行,在舉逸民,天下歸心的政治氣氛下,隱士廣受期廷禮遇與社會尊重,此在有宋三百年中是少有僅見的,因此導引培植了隱逸成為宋代文學的焦點課題,而宋初更是隱逸文學的顛峰,又因宋代隱逸文化與文學的結合,形成了中國隱逸文化的典型。 宋代是隱逸文化最發達的時代,「隱逸」成為社會普遍性的尊崇現象。其最大貢獻:一、隱逸定義的擴大,以適合宋代士人仕宦文化與生活。二、落實弘場「期隱」、「中隱」「史隱」理論。


The practice of reclusion can be traced back to ancient times. From a social perspective, the practice of reclusion prevails in chaotic times, with the wise man opting to serve as an official when the state is on the right track, and otherwise to withdraw from public life. From a personal perspective, a thwarted career may also lead to reclusion. Thus one thought behind such a tradition is to work to make the world a better place when experiencing prosperity, and to work on improving one's self when not so fortunate. This has been the philosophy of public life for intellectuals in Chinese history. Taoism calls for a return to simplicity and nourishes human spirit with full virtue. Reclusion is a type of thought as well as a model of life. Reclusion, in the philosophy of Taoism, is not an action that is meant to escape from social chaos or to show dissatisfaction with politics. It is always intended to pursue a liberal character of life, a carefree interest and ideal. It is by itself an objective with its inner values. The significance of reclusion culture was considered highly by all dynasties for the sake of politics and culture. Politically each dynasty paid respect to recluses to promote integrity and political enlightenment. Culturally, recluses were well recognized by Confucius, Suz-ma Chien, Pan Ku, and Fan Yeh for their ability to show their aspirations with no resentment. Recluses in the early Sung Dynasty are the best known and most respected in Chinese culture. The practice of reclusion prevailed and was held in high esteem in the early Sung. Hence the cultivation of reclusion became a focal issue in Sung literature, and this period saw reclusive literature at its apex. Reclusion culture saw its full development in the Sung Dynasty. Reclusion became a popularly respected practice in society. Its contribution is twofold. 1. The significance of reclusion was expanded to be applicable to the official culture and career of the intellectuals in the Sung Dynasty. 2. The theory of reclusion in office as signified by such terms as Chao Yin, Chung Yin and Li Yin, was practiced and promoted.
