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The Analysis of the Disproportionality of Parallel Voting-a case of 2012 Parliament Election of Taiwan and South Korea.


本文以我國與南韓國會選舉制度為主要比較觀察變項,例如我國與南韓目前國會選舉制度皆採取混合制(並立制)。我國立法院之立委總席次為113席,南韓國會之國會議員總席次為300席;在區域代表上,我國與南韓皆採取單一選區相對多數決制(Plurality with Single-Member-District System,Plurality-SMD)方式選出,我國73席,南韓則是246席;不分區代表則是採比例代表制 (ProportionalRepresentation,PR)(依據政黨票來分配)選出,我國34席,南韓54席。因此在選舉制度設計上可發現南韓在並立制的比例性偏差乃大於我國。但是在2012年的兩國國會選舉結果中,本文發現南韓的比例性偏差問題並沒有我國嚴重,原因便在於選舉制度的配套措施上之差異,即不分區席次的政黨門檻上,南韓採取3%,我國5%。最終,本文希冀透過對於兩國政治發展的比較分析,提供我國選制改革時之建議。


This article views each voting system of parliament as major comparing variable, for instance, both of Taiwan and South Korea adopt Mixed-Member Electoral System, the total seats of legislators are 113 in Taiwan while those are 300 in South Korea. In addition, as for regional representatives, both sides use Plurality with Single-Member- District System (Plurality-SMD) as the way to choose ones. There are a total of 73 seats in Taiwan and 246 seats in South Korea. According to Proportional Representation system, legislator-at-large seats of Taiwan are 34 while those of South Korea are 54. According to the electoral system design, the disproportionality of parallel voting in South Korea thus is higher than Taiwan. However, from the parliament election results of both countries in 2012, the problem of South Korean disproportionality was not that serious than Taiwan instead. The main reason lies in the difference between different assorted measures of electoral system; that is, the threshold of legislator-at-large seats taken 3% in South Korea while 5% in Taiwan. Finally, this article aims to provide advice for electoral reform in Taiwan through a comparative analysis of political development in both two countries.


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