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Beijing's Strategy on the Controversy for the South China Sea-Analysis from the U.N. "Convention on the Law of the Sea"


引起南中國海的島嶼主權問題主要有兩個原因,第一是早年西方列強的殖民主義帶來的結果,使得後來該地區的國家擺脫殖民統治之後,反而認為殖民擴張帶來的領土是他們的領土;第二則是由於中國內戰引發的對該地區疏於管理,使得周邊的國家有機會擴張,分食中國的領土。今日在此重新釐清南海爭議問題,可以對保護南中國海的領土主權找到新的動能,並探討兩岸在南中國海島嶼歸屬衝突中合作的可能性。美國希望根據海洋法解決南海問題,若以《海洋法公約》分析中國提出之「U 形線」法律地位,如果符合國際法的規範,兩岸應積極據理力爭;如不符合,則應在《海洋法公約》規範下,維護領土完整。


The major reasons caused the sovereign of islands' controversy on the South China Sea .The first reason is the consequence from primeval big powers' colonialism, that result in those countries around the South China Sea thought these islands were their territory after colonial domination. The second reason is the neglect of duty came from the Chinese civil war, that made those countries around the South China Sea had the opportunities to aggrandize and nibbled away the Chinese territory. Now we clarify again controversy on the South China Sea. that can find new energy to protect the South China Sea's territorial sovereign, and explicating the collaborative possibility between the cross-straits to confront the islands' controversy on the South China Sea. The U.S. wished according Ocean Law to solve controversy on the South China Sea. If analysis the juridical status of the "U-shape line", that proposing by the P.R.C, with the "Convention on the Law of the Sea". It was matching the norms of international Law. The Cross-Straits should be making their utmost efforts to fight for their territorial integrity, if not, it must give a respond to the "Convention on the Law of the Sea".


