  • 期刊


The Energy Balance Principle of Weight Control: Sport Burns Energy and Dietary Control




體重控制 運動 飲食控制 肥胖


The prevalence of obesity is increasing in recent years. Obesity is an important public issue in our country and the world. Obesity is associated with risk factors of many diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and cancer. The energy uptake and expenditure unbalanced is the main cause of obesity. The most important of body weight control is to restrict calorie uptake, modify dietary manner and keep doing exercise. Exercise and diet control was a good method for long-term weight control of overweight obesity in body composition, cardiovascular endurance fitness, blood parameters and abdominal fat distribution. The widespread use of pharmacological interventions should not be recommended. Both dietary and exercise counseling set within a behavioral modification programmed is necessary for sustained weight control. Results provide Weight controller and educators to help obese have positive perceptions on their body image and build healthy weight-control behaviors, which may improve their physical and mental health.


weight control exercise dietary control obesity
