  • 期刊


Experimental Study on Minimum Energy Performance Standard of Drinking Water Dispensers with Chilled, Warm, and Hot Water Functions


開飲機爲民生必需之家電產品,國內每年飲水相關電器銷售約四十三萬台,各類型開飲機全國裝置數量約500萬台左右,每年耗電總量約20億度。由於這項產品目前的驗證登錄作業之中,缺少能源效率之管制項目,因此國內該類型家電全年所損耗的電能相當可觀,並且因價格競爭,造成優質品反淘汰的不合理現象。本研究主要針對市場販售的冰溫熱三用型爲樣品,依據CNS-13516-C4469測試標準,進行水溫、消耗電功率、貯水桶容量等性能項目進行試驗,有效樣品數爲13件,並參照國內標準所定之測試條件,包括電壓及頻率、測試用水溫度等,完成24小時保溫之消耗電量試驗。本文並以保溫容器之特性,討論開飲機的能源因數(Energy Factor, E.F.)觀念,以及2007年節能標章推動更簡易的24小時耗電基準的過程,運用測試樣品實驗結果比較模式,探討國內銷售開飲機之耗能情況,藉以提出合理的開飲機能源效率指標及其管制之可行性評估。


Electric water dispenser is one necessary domestic appliance, and the market for drink water appliances is about 430 thousands per year in Taiwan. The total amount of water dispensers in usage is about 5 million sets and consumes about 2000 million kW-hours of electricity annually in recent years. For absence of energy consumption regulation in the newly product testing procedure in Taiwan, design for energy efficiency is not usually paid more attention and what has been causing more energy wasted. This paper discusses an experimental study on the long-term heat loss in the idle state and the respective energy consumption of water dispenser samples sold in market in Taiwan. Thirteen water dispenser samples, with supply of chilled, hot and warm water, were tested following the procedures of Chinese National Standard CNS-13516-C4469, and the energy consumption and the water temperature variation of each sample were also measured during the idle state. For execution of the Energy Label project, energy factor for the water dispensers was proposed firstly in 2004 to evaluate the physical index of energy efficiency for this appliance product. Here, the 24-hour energy consumption based on one correction factor for the hot bucket volume is proposed to compare with the previous energy factor. The testing samples with smaller usage volume behaved with more energy loss from the testing and analytical results, and their energy efficiencies were lower compared to the others under high storage temperature condition.


