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Studies on the Facial Absorbent Paper of Cosmetic


目前台灣的木材原料多從國外進口,因此使得造紙業煮無法取得廉價的纖維原料;而聚酯纖維(polyester fiber, PET)是由石油中提煉出來的人造纖維又具親油性,將它留置於薄紙中可提昇薄紙的吸油性;且本省爲世界聞名的眾酯纖維產地所以原料豐富取得容易,既能降低床本文能提高品質。 本研究利用聚酯纖維(PET)與木漿纖維複合,抄造吸油面紙,讓紙張的強度、吸水及吸油等性質,有更卓越的表現。手抄試紙的抄造,并分爲木總手抄試驗紙及化纖手抄試驗紙二個部分進行,並測試成紙之特性,找出最佳的纖維配比,以提高吸油面紙之性能。


吸油面紙 聚酯纖維 薄紙


The supply of wood is only depended on importation in Taiwan, so it is difficult to get cheaper wood material for pulp and paper industry. Polyester fiber (PET) is artificial fiber refined from petroleum and has affinity for oil. It can improve the oil adsorptivity of thin papers and is abundant in Taiwan. So adding PET into wood fiber to produce papers can decrease the cost and improve the oil adsorptivity of papers. The subject of this study is to discuss the effect on water absorptivity. Oil absorptivity: strength and so on of oil absorption papers which were added with PET fiber by different ratios. Two kinds of handsheets were produced, one only made of wood fibers by different ratios of softwood pulp (NBKP) and hardwood pulp (LBKP), the other was made of wood fibers and PET fibers by different ratios. By carrying on these experiments there will be an optimal one show up.


Facial absorbent paper PET fiber tissue
