  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Design of a Double Attribute Acceptance Sampling Plan and Its Operating Characteristic Curve: A Visual Approach Using LabVIEW Programming Language




In this study, programs are created for designing double attribute acceptance sampling plans. Three important concepts of the design of attribute acceptance sampling plans are illustrated by using the LabVIEW programming language. The first concept is to calculate the probability of lot acceptance, based on which the operating characteristic (OC) curve of an attribute sampling plan is accomplished. The second concept introduces the design of an attribute sampling plan based on the Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) associated with Producer's Risk (α) or the Limiting Quality Level (LQL) of Consumer's Risk (β). Different sampling plans may all satisfy the criterions and can be visually shown for comparison. The third concept links to design the sampling plan based on both the Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) and the Limiting Quality Level (LQL). Because the criterion is more stringent, it can be difficult to find a sampling plan that exactly satisfies both the producer's- and consumer's-risk stipulations. A procedure to satisfy both stipulations is then incorporated in the design criteria. The decision-making framework based on either stipulation is visually displayed to aid in selecting a appropriate sampling plan.


