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Design and Implementation of Two-Wheeled Intelligent Robot



本文旨在探討一種新的智慧型兩輪獨立驅動之輪式機器人的設計與實現,在控制架構中是以模糊推論為主控制器,而類神經網路則擔綱輔助的角色。當兩輪機器人在行進時,實際的驅動系統必然會遇到路面不平坦的擾動、馬達參數變化、非線性摩擦以及非結構化的短暫變化等等不確定性狀況,這些不確定因素會對兩輪機器人的行進造成意想不到的影響。為提升兩輪機器人的運作性能,吾人致力研究消弭上述影響的方法,此篇論文提出了一新的架構,在平衡、速度模糊控制器及同步強健控制器中引進類神經觀測器,如此一來,不但能提升穩定度,減少估計誤差的累積,也能減少陀螺儀的使用數量。同時,為了降低馬達運轉時的抖動現象,將自動調變的平移寬度植入模糊控制器裡面。另方面,在相同規格的馬達和輪胎條件下,為了能在不平坦的路面上運轉,有較小的迴轉半徑與較好的駕馭性能,吾人使用兩輪獨立驅動的方式。在控制器的硬體方面包括一個嵌入式微控制器、FPGA&RAM 卡、射頻接收器、陀螺儀、紅外線感測器、馬達編碼器、驅動電路和兩個獨立控制的馬達;微控制器軟體根據陀螺儀偵測到的傾斜角度、傾斜角速率、馬達速度誤差、誤差變化、觀測到的集總不確定值,計算兩個馬達的驅動電流。


A novel intelligently controlled two-autonomously-driven-wheeled robot is developed in this paper. In the control scheme, the fuzzy inference is designated as a main controller and the neural network is designated as auxiliary part. Consider the parametric variation, external load disturbance, nonlinear friction, unpredicted and unstructured uncertainties for the practical drive system, the transient and unmodelled uncertainty will be occurred and can be accumulated as the lumped uncertainty. The neuron uncertainty observers are added in the balance, speed fuzzy controllers and synchronous robust controllers to decrease the number of gyroscope, reduce the accumulated estimated error and ascend the stability. To reduce the chattering phenomena, the translation width is embedded into fuzzy controller. Additionally, to reduce the circumgyrating radius and ascend the steering capability on a bumpy road under same specifications of motor and tire, two wheels are driven independently. The hardware of whole system includes a microcontroller, FPGA&RAM Card, RF receiver, gyroscope, infrared sensors, motor encoders, driving circuits and two autonomous controlled motors. The controllers calculate two independent motor driving currents according to the detected angle of tilt, the angle rate of gyroscope, speed error, speed error rate of motors and observed lumped uncertainty.


