  • 期刊





統整課程 運動遊戲


For children, life is all about games. By using the nature of children who enjoy games and different themes of activities, preschool teachers can lead children to spontaneous learning. On the other side, when children dedicate themselves to the games, they will be pushed to think by playing. Furthermore, children will be able to apply that knowledge to life and enjoy these games. Sports game is one kind of learning about body movements, but also the implementation of learning by doing. Beane also reminds us that "Integrated curriculum is a hard work. It is full of mental and physical challenges." The uncertainty caused by integrated curriculum, the lack of experience of the children, and the disappointment of the parents, etc., make preschool teachers feel anxious. In this paper, I propose correct and complete procedures and come up with several examples. I look forward to be able to integrate sports game into integrated curriculum and to obtain some correct concepts and practice, This kind of integrated curriculum will have a new look. More importantly, that allows students to get interested in learning in the curriculum and meet the needs of learning.


integrated curriculum sports game
