  • 期刊


On Liang Qichao's View of the State Economics and Its Relationship to the Pragmatic Philosophy


此論題起於梁啓超(1873-1929)亡居日本後,在西方經濟學說的影響下,建構出一套「國家本位」經濟觀,這對理解梁啓超的經世致用理論及其實踐歷程,有其不容忽視的研究價值。然而研究梁啓超經濟思想者,多探討其著作在中國近代經濟思想史的定位問題,以及從經濟學的角度評析其理論之價值,對於梁啓超「經世致用」的學術路向如何與其「國家本位」經濟觀結合,以看出他經世路向的轉變則未見說明,是以本文針對此一論題作出進一步分析。 本文結論之要旨有三。第一,梁啓超以國家為本位的經濟論述皆圍繞在梁所認定的國家三項職責而展開:一是國家該制定以及維護經濟活動的基本規則,二是國家該指導經濟發展以促進人民利益,三是國家必須使它的經濟資源在生產上被有效運用。簡言之,這是梁啓超為經濟頹敝的中國所建構的一條邁向資本主義國家的捷徑。第二,梁啓超以國家本位所作的經濟論述旨在解決中國所面臨的一項時務―在列強瓜分下,如何挽救中國垂危的經濟。他在居日期問,不斷透過報刊向國人建構世界潮流的趨向是列強經濟勢力的無止境侵略,中國由於物產豐饒、人力廉價,又無力抵禦外侮,遂面臨被列強瓜分的命運。如果中國維新之士仍在西方政制上打轉,看不出西方現代政制的作用旨在謀其經濟之發達,自當摒絕於這場世界競賽之外。而中國在這場世界競局的自救之道,唯有發展以國家為本位的經濟。第三,在政務上,梁啓超雖未能在幣制局總裁及財政總長任內有所作為,但他藉第一次大戰後,歐洲各國陷入經濟失序之際,以他先前對西方經濟學的認知作為依據,宣稱西方資本主義的物質文明瀕臨破產,而中華傳統文化可解救西方各國所面臨的這項困境,東西文明可藉此「化合起來成一種新文明」而使世界邁向一個新紀元;此期間他的東西文化研究皆與此說有關。是以他這次經世路向的轉變,又一次源自西方經濟學知識的影響。


After Liang Qichao (1873-1929) escaped to Japan, under the influence of the Western economic theory, Liang came to a view of the State Economics, which is very important to his pragmatic philosophy and its practice. Yet, most of the scholars who study Liang's economic theory emphasise more on Liangs influence on the contemporary Chinese economic ideas and analyse its importance from an economic perspective. How Liang combines his philosophy with the view of the state economics and the shift of his philosophy is still left unexplored. This essay thus starts its analysis based on this topic. This essay comes to three conclusions. First, Liang develops his theory of the state economics from the three missions of a state: a state should make and protect the basic rules for the economic actixities; a state should control its economic development to increase the profits of its people; a state should make its economic resources be used effectively in production. Namely, Liang has pointed out a shortcut for the poor China to become a capitalist nation. Second, Liang's theory of the btate economics is to save the poor economies of China under the threats of the foreign powers. During his stay in Japan, Liang kept telling his countrymen through press that the trend of the world had become an endless economic invasion of the world powers. China, because of its abundant natural resources, cheap labours, and incapability of defence itself, would eventually be taken over by the world powers. If the Chinese reformers still restricted themselves in the Western political system without knowing that the purpose of the modem Western political system is to develop its economics, China would be excluded from this competition. To develop a state economics is the only way to save China in this competition with the world powers. Third, although Liang did not have much achievement in the government administrations, he, based on his knowledge about the west economics, claimed that the Western Capitalism was in crisis led by the economic chaos after WWI. Liang believed that the traditional Chinese culture was able to save the Western countries from this crisis and that the east and the west cultures could be merged into a new culture to lead the world to a new era. His studies on the east and the west cultures were all based on this belief at that time. This change of his pragmatic philosophy is again influenced by his knowledge about the Western economics.
