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Study on Li Yu-fen and Research on Calligraphy and Paintings Seen in the Room QU-Bo-Luo




All kinds of works about paintings and calligraphy flourished during the Qing Dynasty. They included the calligraphy and paintings theories, models for calligraphy, recording calligraphy theories, the appreciation of calligraphy, compiling historical data of calligraphy, inscriptions and so on. It not only expands new ranges of studying calligraphy, but also reflects the prosperity in culture of calligraphy and paintings in the Qing Dynasty. Li Yu-fen(李玉棻), a collector and connoisseur of calligraphy and paintings in the late Qing Dynasty, wrote Research on calligraphy and paintings seen in the Room OU-Bo-Luo(《甌鉢羅室書畫過目考》).Research on calligraphy and paintings seen m the Room OU-Bo-Luo records the calligraphy and paintings in the Qing Dynasty. The styles and contents are characteristics of it, particularly in biographies and works of calligraphers and painters and records of calligraphy and paintings he had ever seen. It is an important source book to study the calligraphers and painters and their works during the Qing Dynasty. However, Li Yu-fens life is poorly understood by scholars. Besides, there are many questions in Research on calligraphy and paintings seen in the Room OU-Bo-Luo. Therefore, thispaper study on Li Yu-fen and Research on calligraphy and paintings seen in the Room OU-Bo-Luo to help people understand these two subjects.


