  • 期刊


Study on the Strategy of Online Tutoring in Synchronous Instruction of Chinese Courses with Quadripartite Interactive Design: Using the Instructional Design of Synchronous Courses in Partnership with the University of Virginia


隨著華語全球化的顯著趨勢,遠距同步教學不受時空限制的特質,已成為解決教師需求之重要路徑,亦成為學習者進行非正式學習(informal learning)或非正式課程(informal curriculum)之重要 選擇。然而華語教師如何善用平臺功能進行互動式教學,以及透過同步課程之教學設計來引導學習者參與課程,亦隨之熱化為21世紀華語教育科技領域重要的觀察與課題。華語遠距同步課程具備的要素為:同步教室、華語教師及參與學生,因此三要素所引發的四方互動,包括學習者與同步平臺、學習者與教師、學習者與教材、學習者之間的互動,如何研發相關有效之高互動設計,成為本研究之核心問題。本文基於此研究問題,提出同步教學設計四方互動線上帶領策略來對應以作為研究目的,並以文藻外語大學與美國維吉尼亞大學合作之JoinNet同步課程為應用示例,進一步探究四方互動具體之教學設計。研究架構包含:㈠相關文獻探討與研究目的,闡述基於文獻探討所觀察的現象、問題與本文研究目的;㈡研究方法,採設計本位研究(design-based studies),同步課程的內涵以ASSURE系統化教學設計模式進行研究設計;㈢研究設計,說明四方互動所依據之策略、教學法,以及具有那些面向設計;㈣研究結果,歸納本研究所得之重要線上帶領策略,並分析這些策略所能達到之具體效益。本文期望藉由同步教學實務相關的經驗與成效,協助有心發展華語同步教學之教師,從中構築出以下效益:㈠同步教學平臺功能與四方互動教學設計相得益彰之整合式應用;㈡高互動的線上帶領以活絡同步課程氣氛,讓學習者能專注於學習內容;㈢學習者與同步平臺、學習者與教師、學習者與學習者、學習者與教材四面向互動式教學,可掌握每位學習者之學習狀況,充分發揮同步課程之數位學習類型特質。最後,研究者長期與國外大學合作同步課程,以及關注同步課程線上帶領技巧及策略,期望持續之相關研究能為臺灣華語遠距教學如何進軍國際市場提供一些教學建議。


As the globalization of the Chinese language develops into a prominent trend, synchronous distance instruction, with its flexibility of time and place, has become an important means to meet the demands of instructors, and is now a crucial option for learners in informal learning or informal curricula. Therefore, in the field of Chinese language education and technology in the 21st century, it is necessary to study how instructors of Chinese can make good use of learning platforms to facilitate interactive instruction, and how they can encourage learner participation through the instructional design of synchronous courses. The three key parties in a synchronous distance course in Chinese: synchronous classroom, learner and instructor generate a set of quadripartite interactions: between learner and platform (classroom), between learner and instructor, between learner and course material, and among learners. This study therefore focuses on developing an effective and high-interactive design, and proposes the strategy of online tutoring in regard to the synchronous instruction of Chinese courses with quadripartite interactive design as the research objective. It uses synchronous courses on JointNet as the example, in partnership between Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages and the University of Virginia, to investigate the practical instructional design of quadripartite interactions. This study aims to draw insights from the experience and results of synchronous instruction practices to assist instructors intent on developing synchronous instruction in Chinese, in seeking to achieve the following benefits: (1) integrated application of synchronous instructional platforms and quadripartite interactive instructional design; (2) highly interactive online tutoring for a more energized classroom atmosphere that enables learners to focus on course material; and (3) quadripartite interactive instruction, based on the relationships between learner and platform, between learner and instructor, between learner and learner, and between learner and course material. This procedure allows the instructor to keep track of the learning process of each learner, and therefore takes full advantage of the characteristics of digital learning in synchronous courses.
