  • 期刊


The War Crime Dispute of U-Boat War in World War One




During World War I, the German Navy used submarines to attack Entente Powers' sea traffic as a counter-blockade tactic. During that time, due to the technological and structural limitations, submarines struggled to apply the "law of prize" while attacking merchant ships. Because of this, the usage of submarines was very controversial. This study points out that the submarine was a new weapon, and its operational concepts differed from traditional navy warships. In wartime, it was difficult for submarines to follow the law of war. In contrast, the fact that Entente Powers' (mainly England) antisubmarine warfare used camouflage and deception strategies also violated the laws of war, and caused more problems. These controversies show that both Entente and Central Powers targeted victory as main war purpose, and maintained the "law of war" only to their own benefit, leading to a lack of common standards. This helps explain why despite German submarine actions being widely propagandized as atrocities by Entente Powers, only a few submarine officers were punished after the war.


WWI U-boat War Crime Law of War


Digital Cabinet Papers, The National Archives, United Kingdom. CAB 23 First World War Conclusions
Trotter, Ann(ed.)(1991).British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office confidential Print, Part. II, Ser. H: WWI 1914-1918, vol. 1.Bethesda, MD:University Publications of America.
Foreign Office, German War Trials: Report of Proceeding before the Supreme Court in Leipzig, Parliamentary Papers (Commons), Cmd. 1450, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office,1921.
House of Common, Parliamentary Debate, 5th series, vol. 71, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1915.
United States Department of State, Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. The Lansing papers, 1914-1920, Volume 1, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1939.
