  • 期刊


Cultural Creativity Policies and Cultural Citizen Awareness: A Case Study of Love City of Tainan




Since Tainan has actively developed the cultural and creative industries, it has put forth many cultural activities and creative policies to encourage citizens participating in local cultural events as well as enhancing cultural citizen awareness. This study focuses on the Tainan City Government's "Love City Chihsi Festival" program, exploring the theoretical foundations of and related literature on cultural and creative policies, creative city, cultural citizenship, citizenship aesthetics. Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique (ZMET) has been adopted to conduct in-depth interviews with 9 related workers, uncovering the interviewees' inner thoughts and values regarding Tainan. The mental map of each interviewee was then presented respectively, and finally, a consensus map was constructed. A further step was taken by analyzing citizens' thoughts and values regarding cultural and creative policies. This study obtained 166 constructs from the nine interviewees, and in accordance with the principles of one third of constructs and one fourth of correlated ones in the metaphor elicitation technique, a total of 21 were included as the constructs of the consensus map. Finally, based on the results of this study, recommendations have been made with a view to providing cities with important knowledge and suggestions for developing cultural and creative policies, so as to co-construct a community of citizens based on cultural and aesthetic cognition.


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