  • 期刊


The Analysis of Local Comprehensive Community Development and Cultural and Creative Industries Policies in Taiwan


臺灣社會在經過全球化(globalization)的改變後,人們開始追求精神交流及心靈充實,過去以經濟發展為重的生活方式已漸讓人感到失落,反而懷念起往日以鄰里、宗親、同庄或同姓所聯繫的社區(community)型態,繼而造就臺灣社區總體營造(comprehensive community development)運動興起的契機,也喚起創造新地方文化產業的力量。然而,已經失去的凝聚力與地方文化要再找回實在不易,如何創造或創新在地化文化產業(local cultural industry)的實踐已成為十分重要的事。社區地方文化產業若未有其特殊性與創意,社區則易被外來商業行為而破壞,甚至造成原有住民的離開,變成充斥外來投資客的商圈。故在地化文化創意產業並非仿效即可,居民在社區在地化文化圈裡的角色,也該更積極建立起自己社區文化特色,雖同樣是以聚集產業引入經濟及商業活動,在自主社區的基礎中,則會有著不同實踐意義。缺少社區的基礎下,就易隨著政經社會的變遷而頹敗,在地文化也易被仿效或替代。本文擬梳理臺灣社區營造政策的發展及文化創意產業(cultural and creative industry)論述轉變的過程,並對臺灣實踐文化創意產業的方法提出建議。


After the globalization change of the Taiwan society, people began to pursue the spiritual interaction and spiritual enrichment. The economic development oriented lifestyle in the past has gradually made people feeling lost and starting to miss the past community patterns of neighborhood, clan, village, or the same surname. Then it brings up the Taiwan community building movement opportunity and also evokes the power of the creation of new local cultural industries. However, the lost cohesion and local culture are not easy to retrieve again. How to create or innovate new local cultural industry practice has become a matter of extreme importance. Without its particularity and creativity in the local community cultural industries, the communities are susceptible to be damaged by the external commercial behaviors, even result in the departure of the original residents, and then it becomes the business district flooded with external investors. Therefore, the localized cultural and creative industries cannot just imitate. The residents' role in the community localized cultural circle is to be more active to establish their own cultural characteristics. Although it is the same as gathering industry introducing the economic and commercial activities, on the basis of the autonomous communities, there will be different practical significance. Lacking the basis of community, it can be decadent along with the change of the political and economic society. Local culture is also susceptible to be imitated or substituted. This article aimed to depict the development of Taiwan communities building policies and the process of cultural and creative industry assertion change. Also, provides the suggestion for the approach of Taiwan practical cultural and creative industries.


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