  • 期刊


The Sino-U.S. Mutual Defense Policy Evolutions of the Taiwan Strait Offshore Islands Area (1950-1953)




冷戰 韓戰 臺海 臺灣 金門


On June 27, 1950, President Truman issued the famous Taiwan Strait Neutralization Order. In this context, ths article examines whether the US Seventh Fleet strictly implemented this policy and abandoned the offshore islands islands governed by the R. O. C? Or didthe Fleet take sides with the R.O.C. government and adoptnot only a laissez-faire but also secretly assisting attitude towards anti-communist military activities on the offshore islands islands? To answer the above question, the author reviewed the Archives of MND of ROC and learned that there had been a policy conflict between the U.S. government's Neutralization Order and R.O.C. government's order to guard the offshore islands islands for almost 8 months. But after the Chinese People's Volunteer Army engaged several bloody battles with the UN Army in the Korean, the CINCPAC replaced the early Inner Defense Policy with the new Safety Fairway Policy. In other word, almost two years before the Neutralization Order officially being issued by President Eisenhower on February 2, 1953, US had actually already changed its Neutralization Order. Base on the UN Resolution, NSC, and JCS report, the CINCPAC and Seventh Fleet developed a new policywhich utilized Taiwan, Penghu and the offshore islands islands as common support bases for the military needs in the Korean Battlefield.


Message From the President to the Congress, February 2, 1953, [Extract]. FRUS 1952-1954 Volume XIV China and Japan, part 1, p.140. DC: US. Government Printing Office, 1985.
NSC 101, January 12, 1951. FRUS 1951, KOREA AND CHINA, VOLUME VII, PART 1, p.71.
Statement by the President, Truman on Korea,” June 27, 1950, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Public Papers of the Presidents, Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953. (http://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/116192, 2020/11/15 accessed).
(聯合國大會第498號決議紀錄),1951/2/1,第327次全體會議,聯合國文件中心藏( https://undocs.org/zh/A/PV.327 )
(聯合國大會第500號決議紀錄),1951/5/18,第330次全體會議,聯合國文件中心藏( https://undocs.org/zh/A/PV.330)
