  • 期刊


The Effects of the Media's Coverage of Criminal Events and Trials on Prosecutors' and Judges' Perceptions, Litigations, and Rulings


隨著近幾年來媒體蓬勃的發展,犯罪新聞的報導在新聞中的比例大幅提高,而各新聞台的報導方式也愈趨於煽情化,新聞媒體在報道犯罪新聞時,很容易就違反了許多刑事訴訟法上的原則,如偵查不公開原則、公平審判原則等;一個刑事案件在尚未獲得公正的審判程序前,就已經被媒體公布相關細節,甚至做出評論,這樣的報導究意會對於檢察官、法官及社會大衆産生時麽樣的影響?過去國內的相關研究僅限於犯罪新聞內容的文本分析,主要在檢討犯罪新聞的內容,而本研究則探討犯罪新聞與閱聽人間的關係,以在審判中扮演重要角色的的法官和檢察官作爲分析單位,以期瞭解犯罪新聞對於司法的影響。本研究發現: 一、人口變項對於檢察官和法官的電視及網路使用行爲均有顯著預測力。 二、年齡愈長的檢察官和法官愈相信媒體,網路新聞看的愈多者愈不相信媒體。 三、檢察官和法官都認爲一般民衆深受媒體影響,同事受到的影響其次,自己所受影響甚微。 四、愈相信與政治相關的司法新聞的檢察官和法官,愈相信司法新聞的描述手法會影響自己,然而一般新聞的可信度卻無此關聯。 五、檢察官比法官相信一般的司法新聞,也比較認爲自己受到報導描繪手法的影響;在面臨有關「被告惡劣」或「被害人可憐」的報導內容時,也比法官要傾向認爲同事易受影響,但在對一般社會大衆易受媒體影響的程度認知上,法官明顯地比檢察官要相信媒體的描述手法會對一般民衆産生較大的影響。


With the rapid growth and development of the media in recent years, the proportion of criminal activities covered in the daily news has greatly increased. Reporting the news has become less objective and more theatrical. When the media covers criminal activities, they tend to challenge the principles pertaining to the code of criminal procedure. For example, in regards to the principles related to the confidentiality of an investigation, criminal cases are reported by the media, and even discussed by the public, before the defendant is given a fair trial. What influences may these kinds of circumstances have over the prosecutor, the judge, and the public? In the past, research in Taiwan regarding these topics was about content analysis of the criminal news, and focused on their form and content. This project focuses on the relationship between the criminal news and the observer. To better understand the impact of the criminal news, prosecutors and judges were selected as the unit of observation as well as the unit of analysis. The findings show that: (1) Demographic variables have significant impact on prosecutors' and judges' TV-viewing habits and Internet usage. (2) Elder prosecutors and judges trust the media more; the more they view the news online, the less trust they have in the media. (3) Both prosecutors and perceive that the media's coverage of criminal activities has significant effects on the general public and moderate effects on other prosecutors and judges, but has little effect on themselves. (4) The more the prosecutors and judges trust the coverage of political scandals, the more they believe that the writing style of the coverage will impact them. (5) Compared to judges, prosecutors trust general crime news more, perceive greater media effects on themselves, perceive that characterizations, such as ”malicious suspects” or ”poor victims”, have more effects on their colleagues and have less effects on the general public.




