  • 期刊


The New Definition of the Clarity of Criminal Code: Review of the German Federal Constitutional Court's Decision on the Constitutionality of Breach of Trust




In 2010, in order to improve the predictability of those punished, in the German Federal Constitutional Court's decision on the constitutionality of the crime of Breach of Trust, Criminal Court was given the task of clarifying the Criminal Code, to apply the clarity on the interpretation of criminal law. In order to ensure the realization of the principle of Separation of Powers and Rechtsstaat, legislators are asked by the Clarity of Criminal Code to develop adequate criminal provisions expressly. However, it is fraught with difficulties. However, this article will point out, the decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court, in fact subverts the function of Separation of Powers in the Clarity of Criminal Code, and also making Criminal Court become complementary legislators, but it has failed to effectively enhance the predictability of those punished. It is rather a crisis in the Clarity of Criminal Code. The fundamental way to relieve this crisis, is to re-recognize the function of Separation of Powers in the Clarity of Criminal Code. The importance of reducing the vague criteria of predictability on the review of the Clarity of Criminal Code. The revelation given by German's new definition of the clarity of criminal code, is to avoid ignoring the Separation of Powers in the review of criminal legislation, and also to strengthen the constitutional review on the Supreme Court's jurisprudence and resolutions, instead of allowing unconstitutional precedents or resolutions continue to control the criminal justice.


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