  • 期刊


Cultural Background of Common Cemetery Plant in Chinese Classical Poetry and Its Mourning Image-Using the Era before Sung Dynasty as an Example




陵墓塋域 植樹 傷悼意象


When we study the sentimental description of solemn atmosphere and image in ancestral temple and shrine, imperial burial place, or solitary and abandoned graves, we often see authors portray the environment with natural landscape. Various plants such as pine, cypress, aspen, Chinese catalpa, and an evergreen shrub were used to depict the surroundings. This image is usually a reflection of the traditional political system, religion, custom and social situation at the time. When searching for the information concerning burial ceremony of Han people, we find out the trees planted in the vicinity of cemetery are mostly pine, cypress, elm, flam gold-rain, an evergreen shrub, phoenix tree, pagoda tree, and poplar. The reason to choose these trees is, no doubt, because of traditional rites and custom. Yet, this practice probably originated from their yearlong evergreen landscape, similar pronunciation of the concept to be conveyed, and their legendary use for warding off evil spirits, an association of auspicious indication, and the easy-growing nature of the plants. The significance and senses to plant and grow trees in the vicinity of burial grounds are possibly because of differentiating generations, family titles, inherited custom of plant worshiping, symbol of life and death, or Feng Shui concept for protecting decedents. Hence, by having the knowledge of common plants in graveyards and the comprehension of its cultural background, we may have better understanding of the mourning image these plants, including pine, cypress, aspen, Chinese catalpa, and an evergreen shrub, present in Chinese classical poetry.


Cemetery Plants Mourning image


