  • 期刊

A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Student Needs in Taiwan



本研究對象為1999-2000年在台分別就讀21所大學院校大學部的489位外籍學生。根據他們的性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、在學年級、來自不同地理區域、在台居住時間與經濟來源(1)分辨他們在整體適應問題數量上的差異;(2)分辨他們在整體適應需要程度上的差異;(3)分辨他們在七種不同適應需要程度上的差異。研究者係針對上述問題,提出具體的實務面與政策面的建議,不僅會對各學校行政當局及政府管理外籍學生的國際教育決策單位有所助益,同時更為拓展國民外交,促進中西文化交流,提供最佳的途徑。 根據統計分析資料顯示,外籍學生除了婚姻狀況和在台居住時間與其整體適應需要程度上沒有顯著的差異外,其他個人背景因素與其整體適應需要程度、適應問題數量、與他們在七種不同適應需要程度上均有顯著的不同。 在個人背景與其適應問題數量上的不同:女性、已婚、大一、大二、來自歐洲、年紀低於20歲以及在台居住時間較短的學生有較多適應問題而獲得校內獎助學金的外籍學生有較少適應問題。 在個人背景與其整體適應需要程度上的不同:女性、大一、大二、來自歐洲以及年紀低於20歲學生的整體適應需要程度較高。 在性別、婚姻狀況、在學年級和來自不同地理區域與七種不同適應需要程度上的差異(1)女性學生在學業、住宿、健康以及諮詢方面適應需要程度較強;(2)單身學生在語言溝通與學業的適應需要程度上較強;已婚學生在社會文化適應需要程度上較強;(3)一年級在語言溝通、健康、以及社會文化需要程度上較強;(4)二年級在學業、住宿、財務、以及諮詢需要程度上較強;(5)來自歐洲的學生在語言溝通及財務上的需要程度上較強;(6)來自大洋洲的學生在學業及諮詢上的需要程度上較強;(7)來自亞洲的學生衣住宿上及健康的需要程度上較強;(8)來自美洲的學生在社會文化的需要程度上較強。 根據本研究分析結果,爰特建請政府針對外籍學生來台就讀期間的各項需求加強協助與輔導。通令各級學校成立外籍學生輔導室,提供我國政府相關法律知識等資訊,多辦外籍學生聯誼,促進文化交流,並與各國駐華使館連線,俾使台灣未來能成為世界地球村之主要成員之一。


This study was limited to 489 undergraduate foreign students enrolled full-time to pursue bachelor's degrees during the 1999-2000 academic year at 21 universities/colleges in Taiwan. An updated list of full-time undergraduate foreign students enrolled by school was obtained from the Bureau of International, Cultural and Educational Relations, Ministry of Education The purpose of this causal-comparative study was: (a) to identify perceived adjustment problems based on students' personal background; (b) to identify their perceived overall capacity of the adjustment needs based on students’ personal background; (c) to identify the capacity of different kinds of adjustment needs based on students' personal background. The finding indicated that (a) female students (b) low-grade level students, (c) married students, (d) students from Europe (e) students under 20 years of age and (f) students who stayed in Taiwan for a short period of time had more adjustment problems. Regarding their perceived capacity strength of overall adjustment needs, the finding revealed that female students, low-grade level students, students form Europe, and younger students had a high level of overall adjustment needs. Female students had more strength on academic, housing, health, and counseling needs. The universities and colleges should place a high priority on communication and language and study needs for single students and social/cultural needs for marred students. Freshman students and students from Europe required more communication and language needs. Sophomore students and students from Atlantic had more academic needs. Sophomore students and students from Asia had more housing needs. Sophomore and the students from Europe had more financial needs. Freshman and the students from Asia had more health needs. Freshman students and students from America bad more social and cultural needs. Sophomore students and students from Atlantic had more counseling needs. The researcher recommended that a Foreign Student Counseling Office should be established to assist foreign students find answers to their specific questions. The office might consider contacting educational attaches or embassies of their prospective foreign students to recommend a pre-departure orientation and providing them with information about the university. All foreign students should have more opportunities to get assistantship/scholarship programs on campus. In addition, more social activities such as cultural clubs for promoting cultural awareness should be arranged to help Taiwan become a vital part of the global village.


