  • 期刊


Senior High School Teachers to Participate in Recreational Activities, the Type of Trend Analysis-Chiayi City as an Example


本研究目的係探討了解高中職教師之休閒活動參與型態。本研究對象爲嘉義市六所國立高中職學校之教師,共計300份問卷,有效問卷爲272份(回收率90.6%),問卷調查後,以描述性統計(Descriptive Statistical Analysis)可知教師之個人基本資料於樣本數的分配情形,並以T檢定(T-test)、單因子變異數分析(One-way AN○VA)、等各檢定其於休閒活動參與類型之顯著差異性及相關程度,歸納結果如下: 在受試者之基本資料特性上;女性教師、已婚者、年齡層分佈在36-45歲間居多數、有十五年左右教學服務年資、任教普通科的老師及擁有碩士學位居多數。經統計分析後,了解絕大多數的教師都有兼任導師或行政主管的職務,在參與休閒活動類別上發現高中職教師最喜歡參與的活動項目,所得結果以「上網」跟「看電視(含看錄影帶)」這兩項最受青睞。在教師休閒活動參與類型構面上,研究結果發現嘉義市高中職教師休閒活動參與構面以「娛樂型」最多、其次爲「休憩型」及「閱讀型」;而「嗜好型」休閒活動構面是所有受試者參與率最低。在休閒活動參與效益上,不同的性別、不同的年齡、教學年資、婚姻狀況及不同任教科別之高中職教師其於休閒活動參與差異達顯著水準。


Three hundred questionnaires were collected from 2 National senior and 4 Vocational high schools, 272 of them were valid (percent response 90.6%). The analyzed methods were included Percentage, T-test, ANOVA, Person correlation, Regression analysis etc. The results of the study are summarized as follows: The features of the subjects: female teachers and married are in the majority. Their age are from 36 to 45. Most of their teaching experience are about fifteen years or so. They mostly teach in general education and have master's degree. The information shows that the most of them had served in tutor or executive concurrently. According to the statistics, it indicated that ”searching the internet” and ”watching TV (including watching video tapes)”are high school teachers' favorite activities. As the result shows, the senior high school teachers of Chiayi City have the highest rate of participation in ”entertainment-type” of leisure activities, the following in ”rest type” and ”reading type”; and have the lowest rate of participation in ”hobby-type. ”Different gender, different age, different experience, different marital status, and different divisions of teaching make their activities significantly different.


