  • 期刊


The Property of the Dunhuang Taoist Manuscript P.3021+P.3876 and the Analysis on its Contents


本文以敦煌寫卷P.3021+ P.3876為研究對象,討論內容主要有三方面:首先,試圖釐清兩個編號的內容原始區分之處,藉以理解王重民先生當初為何會分別判斷為「殘道經」與「佛經」的可能原因。其次,寫卷擬題涉及對其內容性質的認知,會影響研究者的利用方式與導致之研究結果,故針對現今擬題與內容不符之處加以補充論證。最後,從儀式、說法、解經等方面,探究道士對譬喻故事的運用方式,並兼及寫卷中有關趙簡子故事改編來源的考證。


敦煌寫卷 道教 俗講 譬喻


The research object of this article is the Dunhuang manuscript P.3021+P.3876. There are three main aspects to be discussed, the first is to analyze the difference between the contents of the two manuscripts, what is the original appearance of the Dunhuang manuscripts P.3021 and P.3876? The second is to discuss whether the title of "Daojiao Zhongyuan Jinluzhaihui Jiangjingwen" [道教中元金籙齋會講經文(擬)] is correct, by way of supplementary materials and instructions, I point out that there are many inconsistencies between the title and the contents. The final topic is about that Taoist priests how to use these story materials, contain the process of the ritual in religion, explain the contents of the classics, and why do they narrate these figurative stories. In addition, in this paper I investigate the source of the story about "Zhao Jianzi" [趙簡子].


Dunhuang Manuscripts Daoism Sermons Metaphor


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王卡 《敦煌道教文獻研究──綜述.目錄.索引》,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2004 年。
王重民 〈伯希和劫經錄〉,《敦煌遺書總目索引》,北京:商務印書館,1962 年,頁 253-313。
伯希和著,陸翔譯 〈巴黎圖書館敦煌寫本書目〉,《國立北平圖書館館刊》第7 卷第 6 期,1933 年 11-12 月,頁 24-75。
伯希和著,陸翔譯 〈巴黎圖書館敦煌寫本書目(續完)〉,《國立北平圖書館館刊》第 8卷第 1 期,1934 年 1-2 月,頁 40-90。
