  • 期刊


The Criticism of Tang Dynasty Chinese Character Writing under the Culture of Highbrow and Lowbrow




標準字形 俗字 漢字文化


Throughout the ages, both highbrow and lowbrow are relative cognition, and they both originate from the general impression of ancient scholars. The highbrow culture is usually the main leading development in the whole society. Owing to the specification of Chinese characters associating with the promotion of the policy, it is especially emphasized by the ancient and modern officials. The purpose of the article mainly clarifies the differences of Chinese character writing in the culture of highbrow and lowbrow. It is on the basis of the Analects of Confucius, drawing its materials from official engraving as well as folk manuscript, adding the methods of crosscheck and statistics from the books at that time to make a deep and concrete comparison and difference between from the highbrow and lowbrow characters.


漢.許慎著,清.段玉裁注 《說文解字》,臺北:洪葉出版社,2005 年。
漢.班固 《漢書》,臺北:中華書局,1964 年。
宋.范曄等 《後漢書》,臺北:中華書局,1963 年。
梁.劉勰著,王更生注譯 《文心雕龍》,臺北:文史哲出版社,1985 年。
北齊.魏收 《魏書》,北京:中華書局,1963 年。
