  • 期刊


A Study on the Original Condition and Textual Function of Dunhuang Quzici Manuscripts




敦煌曲子詞 寫本原生態 傳寫 叢抄 流佈


From the perspective of Chinese literature, among the manuscripts in Dunhuang, the most important discovery lies in the transformation texts, Quzici, and poems from the Tang dynasty. The Quzici is even more remarkable. The discovery of the Quzici enriches our understanding of the lyric literature of the Tang and Five Dynasties. It also provides vivid examples of various genres of the lyric literature, which forces us to reconsider the origins of the "ci" genre and to rewrite the early history of Chinese "ci" literature. In 1920, Wang Guowei published a paper titled "The Popular Poems and Popular Novels of the Tang dynasty Discovered from Dunhuang" and discussed three Quzici works including "Wang Jiangnan" and "Pusaman." Since then in the following past eighty years, about eight hundred books and articles have been published for discussing the Quzici from Dunhuang. Some of them focus on textual studies, such as transcriptions, phonetics, and editing. Some of them focus on the lyric studies. And some of them focus on aesthetic and rhetoric studies. Others focus on music, dance, art, and folklore studies. For the Quzici, what we have are mostly manuscripts, with many different forms and formats. There are collections such as the Yunyaoji. Some of them are compositions and some others are miscellaneous copies. Most of them are randomly written by readers without consciousness of editing, which do not have the concept of final version. Each manuscript has its unique spontaneity and spatiality as well as the hierarchical meaning. The writers, copy makers, editors, and users of these manuscripts left their traces respectively, which illustrate the particular culture of the Dunhuang manuscripts. This paper focuses on the original condition of these manuscripts and examine the transmission of their composition, copying, rewriting, and collecting, as well as the editing, reading, imitating, and recomposing, analyzing their material forms as scroll, brochures, and miscellaneous sheets. This paper will also interpret the characteristics of these manuscripts from the perspective of writers, users, and readers. It hopes to provide a new dimension for the study of these manuscripts in order to enrich the interpretation of the Dunhuang literature.


上海古籍出版社、法國國家圖書館編 《法國國家圖書館藏敦煌西域文獻》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1995-2006 年。
天津市藝術博物館 《天津市藝術博物館藏敦煌文獻》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1996 年。
方廣錩、吳芳思主編 《英國國家圖書館藏敦煌遺書》,桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2013 年
王重民 《敦煌曲子詞集》,上海:商務印書館,1950 年。
王國維(靜菴) 〈敦煌發現唐朝之通俗詩及通俗小說〉,《東方雜誌》第 17 卷第8 期,1920 年 4 月,頁 95-100。
