  • 期刊


A Study of Staking and Wattling Mathod for Landslide Control on Central Taiwan Area


台灣中部於1999年受921集集大地震及2000年桃芝風災影響,造成多處裸露崩塌地需緊急處理,爲減少二次災害的發生,打樁編柵是一種簡易的水土保持方法,但卻可發揮安定土石、改善坡面、減低流速、防止土壤沖蝕,並造成有利於植物生長的環境等多種水土保持效果,又施工簡易,可說是一種合乎經濟且具效率的自然生態工法。 經本研究調查得知,台灣中部地區因受地震牽引斷層影響,崩塌坡向集中在正北至西及正南之間佔71%,而發生崩塌之地質多爲出磺坑層、卓蘭層及沖積層。本研究調查樣區有79.3%的平均坡度介於55~100%(29°~45°)。而崩塌地實施打樁編柵方法後,部份邊坡崩塌情形確有得到改善,其中有關打樁編柵材料是以鋼筋樁、雜木樁及竹樁爲主,而被襯材料則有遮光網、不織布、塑膠PE網及竹片較多。又根據樣區調查資料,實施打樁編柵後植生覆蓋率≧50%佔有71.4%,水土保持效果良好。


崩塌 打樁編柵 植生 地震


Stake and wattling is a simple and convenient method to soil and water conservation but has various effects, stable cubic meter of earth and stone, improve slope , reduce the speedy of flow, avoid soil erosion and form conditions beneficial to vegetation growth, to soil and water conservation. It is also easy to construction. It is said a natural and ecologic engineering closing to economical. From the results of the study, the influence of 921 earthquakes and Toraji typhoon caused to 25,845 landslides and the measure of show up area reached 15,977 hectare. Results of the investigates of landslides to construct stake and wattling as follows: 1. The materials of stake and wallting which had higher rate of termination were subcostate crapemyrtle、Marabutan、water willow and Taiwan mulberry. Because of materials were difficult to obtain the most of trunks were wood-trunks、bamboo-trunks and steel-trunks to be used. And the back-lining materials were anti-dazzling nets、unweaved clothes、plastics nets and straw mats. 2. After practicing of staking and wattling, the rate of vegetation cover over than 50% takes 71.4%, the effects of soil and water conservation was fine. 3. The geology which is easy to collapse in the middle part area of Taiwan is Chuhuangkeng Formation、Cholan Formation and Alluvium. 4. The average slop in 79% of investigative area were 29° to 43°. 5. The major area of landslides effecting from Chelungpu Fault and shantung Fault caused from earthquake.


Landslide Staking and wattling Vegetation Earthquake
