  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 顏上堯


摘 要 台灣係屬海島環境且高山多平原少,然產業自農業化逐漸轉為工業化後,因生活飲食習慣改變已致農業逐漸式微,因於農村謀生不易致使人口逐漸集中至都市,農業縣市及農村人口高齡化及外流嚴重;都市亦因擁有較多資源故吸引各地學子及工作人口流入,然都市可供適合住宅使用之土地日漸稀少取得日益困難下,爾後之開發亦朝都市更新與市郊發展。以台北市與新北市為例,其市郊尚可開發之區域面臨坡地之問題此亦為需面臨之課題,故坡地開發採用之擋土工法亦會與以往市區常用之連續壁而不同改採較適於坡地開發之擋土工法如:預壘樁、鋼板樁…等,故同一基地採用一種或一種以上之擋土工法實為必然之趨。 為驗證本研究模式之合理性與實用性,本研究以營建工程擋土型式施作機具之調派為範例,其基地內擋土型式包含預壘樁與鋼板樁兩種,進行模擬測試,以最佳化求得最小成本並與其以人工經驗調派之成本相較確認成本更低且更具效率,故亦可即時提供決策者精確之判斷依據。因此本研究亦可適用於營建工程中相關機具調派之問題。 關鍵字: 預壘樁、鋼板樁、整數規劃、最佳化


預壘樁 鋼板樁 整數規劃 最佳化


Abstract Taiwan has a mountainous island environment and as industrialization has replaced agrarian development, changes in life styles and dietary habits have resulted in the gradual decline of agriculture. This has made it more difficult to make a living in rural areas and further encouraged people to move to cities. As a result, rural counties and cities are experiencing rapid ageing and the loss of much of their population. At the same time, because urban areas have more resources they also attract students and those looking for work. However, the availability of land to build suitable housing for all these people is becoming increasingly scarce, forcing future development to focus on urban renewal and suburban development. If we take Taipei City and New Taipei City as an example, both have suburban areas than can still be developed, but these are adjacent to hilly areas. The future development of such areas requires reinforced soil retaining techniques that differ from the diaphragm walls (Diaphragm wall) most often employed in urban areas, requiring the use of Prepakt mortar piles, steel sheet piles (prepare-in-place piles, steel sheet piles) etc. As such, it will become increasingly necessary to use one or more reinforced soil retaining techniques on construction sites. In order to emphasize the rationality and practicality of this research model, we focus on the deployment of reinforced soil retaining construction machines and tools. On-site techniques include Prepakt mortar piles, steel sheet piles (prepare-in-place pile, steel sheet piles) used in conjunction with simulation testing in an effort to achieve optimization and minimize costs, comparing this to the cost of real world labor allocations to confirm lower costs and greater efficiency. This can also be used as a timely reference to enable those in charge to make more accurate decisions. This research can also be applied to the assignment of machines and tools on construction projects. Key Words: prepare-in-place piles, steel sheet piles, integer programming, optimization


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