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Motion Variability and Reliability of Experimental Design


大部分的研究,總受限於時間、金錢、設備等因素,選擇較少的實驗施作次數,使得實驗缺乏一定的信度及效度。然而透過實驗所得到的數據資料如果缺乏了信度與效度,所得的結果與結論,即使在統計上達到顯著性,也將不具意義(Bates, 1989)。人類爲生物體(biological organisms),具有多重的變異,此變異當然包含了動作的變異。但多數研究皆假定所選擇的實驗施作次數的數據資料平均值具有個體動作表現的代表性,且每次試做動作間變異非常小,這樣的實驗設計是否真的具有信度,著實令人存疑。因此適當的實驗設計和親計方法的考驗,不僅要注意到節省原則,也要兼顧信度問題。在兩天要項的支持下、實驗的結果及結論才能更具說服力。


變異性 信度 效度


In the past, many biomechanical studies were constrained by cost, time, and equipments. One of these factors can lead to poor research directly or indirectly. If researches are not sensitive to the statistical power, it may lead to support null hypothesis and claim the result is demonstrating by the treatments or conditions had the effect. Since human being is biological organism, it is a natural phenomenon that performance of human movement are instable and variable. However, the researchers have never explained the reasons about the number of trials has been chosen, and presupposed the average value could present the performance of the subject or these trials were homogeneous. Therefore, reliability of these researches maybe arguable without more concerns. An appropriate experimental design and statistical testing not only had saving principle but took attention about problems of reliability. Supporting by these factors, the conclusion of researches might have more persuasion.


variability reliability validity


Aguado, X.,lzquierdo, M.,Montesinos, J. L.(1997).Kinematic and kinetic factors related to the standing long jump performance.Journal of Human Movement Studies.32,156-159.
Aragon-Vargas, L. F.,Gross, M. M.(1997).Kinesiological factor in vertical jump performance: differences within individuals.Journal of Appilied Biomechanics.13,45-65.
Bates, B. T.,Osterning, L. R.,Sawhill, J. A.,Jame, S. L.(1983).An assessment of subject variability, subject-shoe interaction, and the evaluation of running shoes using ground reaction force data.Journal of Biomechanics.16,181-191.
