  • 期刊


Women, Family and Society: A Study of Abduction and Elopement Cases in Imperial China (1723~1741)


清代自雍正時期實施稅制改革,以及取消賤民階層,促成商人、傭工、流民四處游走。本文從〈刑科題本婚姻命案類〉蒐集約100件的和誘拐逃案件中,試圖討論這樣的社會變遷對下層社會婦女及家庭所產生的一些影響。首先,藉由對案件中的家戶結構分析,男性誘拐者的特徵描述,我們發現乾隆年間人口增加造成家戶組合改變,及爲數不少社會游離人口的產生等現象。從拐子與被拐婦女家庭之關係的分析中,亦可觀察到當時社會的外來人口如何透過合夥工作、認同宗、乾親、結拜的行爲,和當地人建立緊密的人際關係。而這些發生於家庭間的人際網絡,如何成爲拐逃案發生的有利條件。 再者,在探討婦女離家出走的動機上,除了婦女本身或情或慾的個人需求外,也發現了當時下層社會婦女所面對經濟或婚姻、家庭暴力等困境。最後,藉由緝案模式的探討,可觀察到當時地方秩序、社會治安的維持,除了仰賴屬於公權力範疇的地方衙門捕役,武備組織的汛兵、塘兵外,尚有私領域的地方保甲人員,家族的力量,守夜者,旅館飯店業者,舟船業主。這似乎也說明了,十八世紀中國的經濟發展可能鬆動了下層社會家庭中家長對家庭成員行爲的約束力,但公、私領域結合交織的社會控制力量依然在地方社會維持著舊秩序。


家庭 家戶 社會控制


Taxation system reforms carried out in the Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Period, and abolition of the low-social class system promoted wandering among traders, servile workers, and nomad populations. In this paper, a study of about a hundred abduction and elopement cases from the Grand Secretariat memorial on criminal matters (Neige xingke tiben) is made to discuss the effects of this social change on women and families of the lower social strata. Analysis of household structures and description of male abductors' characteristics shows that population increases in the Qianlong period led to changes in family composition and the rise of a sizable wandering population. Through an analysis of family relationships in the cases of abducted children and women, this study also reveals how wandering populations forged close interpersonal relationships with locals through partnership in the workplace, common clanship, adoption, and forging of blood-brother ties. This study also reveals how the resulting interpersonal network served as a condition advantageouse to abduction and elopement. Furthermore, in probing into the motives behind women elopement from their families, we have discovered that in addition to reasons of personal feeling or passion, economic, marital and family violence factors affecting women of lower social strata also played a part. Lastly, by a study of litigation modes, it was observed that maintenance of peace and order, both locally and societally, depended not only on the local yamen institution's arresting officers and its defense organization's watch guards, but also on community vigilantes, clan power, night guards, hotel keepers, and boat operators. All these seem to suggest that economic progress in 18th-century China contributed to a relaxation in parents' grip on members of families in the lower social strata. However, the arms of social control, jointly maintained by public and private sectors, continued to retain the old order in the local communities of these periods.


family household social control




李雅婷(2011)。家學建構與傳承對清代才女文學的影響—— 以錢塘袁氏女性文學為中心探討〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-1903201314410916
